Quincy (IL) Whig, "Disappointed," October 16, 1858

    Source citation
    "Disappointed," Quincy (IL) Whig, October 16, 1858, p. 2.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Quincy Whig
    Newspaper: Headline
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Zak Rosenberg, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.


    A large number of Missourians were in attendance at the joint debate between Lincoln and Douglas on Wednesday. They came over with the expectation hearing the "Little Giant" trot "Old Abe" through. They returned sadly disappointed. One of them remarked to us that, although he was in about ten feet of the stand, he couldn't understand more than one word in a dozen of Douglas' speech-while he could hear very distinctly every word uttered by Mr. Lincoln. He spoke in approving terms of Mr. Lincoln's speech-and remarked that he would not come again thirty miles to see one of his friends so completely scalped and skinned, as Douglas was by Lincoln. Many of our Missouri neighbors returned home with fleas in their ears.

    Among those in attendance at the discussion on Wednesday last, was Hon. O. M. HATCH, Secretary of State-one of the best and truest Republicans in Illinois. We were glad to meet him here-and it is our earnest wish that we may be able to return the visit, and meet him at Springfield this winter. It depends upon the result of the election in this county, however.

    Two years ago, the Republicans of the nation mustered over thirteen hundred thousand strong. We did this under the single impulse of resistance to a common danger, with every external circumstance against us. Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through, under the constant hot fire of a disciplined, proud, and pampered enemy. Did we brave all then to falter now?-now-when that same enemy is wavering, disserving and belligerent? The result is not doubtful. We shall not fail; if we stand firm we shall not fail. Wise counsels may accelerate or mistakes delay it, but sooner or later the victory is sure to come.-[Speed of Hon. A. Lincoln at Springfield, Ill.]

    Mr. Lincoln's deduction (says the Albany Evening Journal) is a just one, and the warning contained in it, is timely. A party which swept the North in 1856, and which has been hourly growing stronger since, cannot encounter defeat now, unless through some grave neglect or fault of its own.

    The Republican party has but to stand by its principles, to maintain and perfect its organization, and to invite and welcome every new alliance to that organization, and success is easy. It cannot afford to rest supinely, in the confidence that strength without effort will ensure success. That error was committed in this State last fall, and we are now reaping its consequences. But "if we stand firm, we shall not fail." The Democracy are weakened and disheartened, and with reason. Their only hope is in creating dissensions in our ranks-a hope that is destined to a signal failure.

    How to Cite This Page: "Quincy (IL) Whig, "Disappointed," October 16, 1858 ," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/node/1697.