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Date Title Type
Louisville (KY) Journal, "The U.G. Railroad," June 22, 1858 Newspaper
John L. Scripps to Abraham Lincoln, June 22, 1858 Letter
Abraham Lincoln to John L. Scripps, June 23, 1858 Letter
Raleigh (NC) Register, “The Northern Democracy Split to Pieces,” June 23, 1858 Newspaper
Joseph Medill to Abraham Lincoln, June 23, 1858 Letter
San Francisco (CA) Evening Bulletin, “Immigration into the United States for the Last Fifteen Years,” June 24, 1858 Newspaper
Boston (MA) Liberator, "Anti-Slavery Celebration of Independence Day," June 25, 1858 Newspaper
Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Medill, June 25, 1858 Letter
Philadelphia (PA) North American and United States Gazette, “Utah and the Mormons,” June 26, 1858 Newspaper
Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Ray, June 27, 1858 Letter
New York Herald, “The Hon. Joshua R. Giddings vs. the Administration and the Slave Power,” June 27, 1858 Newspaper
Richmond (VA) Dispatch, “A Crumb of Comfort for Mr. Seward,” June 26, 1858 Newspaper
New York Times, "The Heat," June 28, 1858 Newspaper
Milwaukee (WI) Sentinel, "The Atlantic Telegraph Cable," June 29, 1858 Newspaper
New York Times, "Quarantine Affairs," June 30, 1858 Newspaper
Chicago (IL) Press and Tribune, "Narrow Escape of a Railroad Train from Fearful Wreck," July 1, 1858 Newspaper
Charles H. Ray to Abraham Lincoln, July 1, 1858 Letter
Chicago (IL) Press and Tribune, "The Passage at Arms between Lincoln and Douglas in 1854," July 1, 1858 Newspaper
New York Times, "The American Gold Fields," July 2, 1858 Newspaper
Charleston (SC) Mercury, "Hot Weather," July 2, 1858 Newspaper