
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture The Louisiana pianist Louis Gottschalk plays for General Grant at a gala concert in Grover's Hotel.
Religion/Philosophy Easter Sunday
US/the World The treaty formalizing the new Greek monarchy, and the transfer of the Ionian Islands, is signed in London
Crime/Disasters TransAtlantic steamship from New York strikes a rock four miles from her Irish destination
US/the World Giuseppe Garibaldi arrives in England for a month long visit
Religion/Philosophy In Korea, Su-un, founder of the Donghak religious sect, is tried and found guilty of heresy
Business/Industry In Connecticut, the new Travellers' Insurance Company sells the country's first travel insurance policy
Battles/Soldiers At Mansfield, Louisiana, Confederate forces deal a severe blow to the Union's Red River Campaign
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, the U.S. Senate passes the proposed 13th Amendment to the Constitution, 38-6.
Lawmaking/Litigating In Congress, Representative Harris of Maryland is immediately censured for disloyal comments in debate
Battles/Soldiers In Louisiana, after defeat the day before, reinforced Union troops repel further attacks at Pleasant Hill
US/the World At Miramar Castle in Trieste, Austria, Archduke Maximilian officially accepts the imperial throne of Mexico
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Fort Pillow
US/the World Spanish naval forces seize Peru's guano-rich Chincha Islands to enforce compensation demands
Lawmaking/Litigating In Congress, Representative Long of Ohio is censured for suggesting the recognition of the Confederacy
Religion/Philosophy In Korea, Su-un, founder of the Donghak religious sect, is executed for heresy at Daegu
US/the World In the Second Schleswig War, Prussian forces assault and capture the important Danish strong point of Dybbøl
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, Confederate warship clears the Roanoke River near Plymouth of Union vessels
Religion/Philosophy - Passover
Education/Culture In New York York's Central Park, the cornerstone of the Shakespeare Monument is dedicated
Education/Culture Celebrations for the 300th birthday of William Shakespeare are held around the world, but not in Paris
US/the World A Peace Conference aimed at ending the German-Danish war convenes in London
US/the World The London Peace Conference aimed at ending the German-Danish war breaks up in failure
Crime/Disasters In Philadelphia, a massive boiler explosion on Cherry Street kills seven
Military/Violent Battle of Jenkins' Ferry
Lawmaking/Litigating The House of Representatives passes the Wade-Davis Bill setting radical requirements for Reconstruction
Education/Culture "Notre-Dame of Paris," final opera of William Henry Fry, debuts in his home city in aid of soldiers' charity
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, the Union Army crosses the Rapidan River and begins Grant's Overland Campaign
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of the Wilderness opens on ground fought over the year before at Chancellorsville
Carlisle/Dickinson Nineteen year-old John Taylor Cuddy is captured with his regiment in the Wilderness