
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers Confederate President Davis removes General Joe Johnston as commander of the Army of the Tennessee
Battles/Soldiers Confederate raiders infiltrating from Canada fail in an attempt to rob the town bank in Calais, Maine
US/the World Chinese Imperial forces capture Nanjing, breaking at last the resistance of the Taiping Rebellion
Crime/Disasters In Philadelphia, parts of a female asylum collapse, killing fifteen patients and injuring twenty more
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, Union Colonel John W. Sprague fights a determined rearguard action and saves his Army's supply trains
Battles/Soldiers At the Battle of Atlanta, the Union's Army of the Tennessee defeats Confederate attempts to defend the city
Battles/Soldiers General James McPherson, commanding the Union's Army of the Tennessee, is killed at the Battle of Atlanta
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, Private Harry Davis captures the flag of the 40th Louisiana and later makes the front page of Harper's Magazine
Battles/Soldiers In the campaign against Atlanta, Union forces inflict heavy losses on Confederate troops at the Battle of Ezra Church
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, a spectacular Union attempt to break the siege of Petersburg ends in disaster in "The Battle of the Crater"
Battles/Soldiers In Pennsylvania, the third Confederate occupation of Chambersburg proves unlucky as the town is burned to the ground
US/the World In South America, Brazil delivers Uruguay an ultimatum over the security of its southern border
Battles/Soldiers In Mobile Bay, Alabama, U.S. naval forces win a comprehensive victory over the Confederate fleet
US/the World In Belfast, the unveiling of a statue in Dublin to Daniel O'Connell touches off anti-Catholic demonstrations
Crime/Disasters At Plum Creek in Nebraska, Cheyenne Indians attack and wipe out a sizable wagon train carrying freight, killing eleven
Crime/Disasters In Virginia, a massive explosion at the Union supply depot at City Point kills more than forty workers
US/the World - In Belfast, Catholics retaliate against Protestant rioters and the mobs battle in the streets
Battles/Soldiers The U.S. Navy seizes a Confederate raider, now a British civilian vessel, off the coast of Portugal
Battles/Soldiers In Tennessee, Confederate General Forrest's cavalry makes a daring raid into the streets of Union-held Memphis
US/the World In Switzerland, sixteen countries sign the first Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners and wounded
Battles/Soldiers The U.S.S. Niagara visits Dover on the English coast to drop off a captured British crew
Battles/Soldiers At Ream's Station in Virginia, Confederate units make a powerful effort to regain the control of the vital Weldon Railroad
Campaigns/Elections - In Chicago, the Democratic Party meets for its national nominating convention
Battles/Soldiers - Union forces break the last Confederate efforts to defend Atlanta at the Battle of Jonesborough
Battles/Soldiers Career soldier Absalom Baird wins the Medal of Honor, leading a bayonet charge at Jonesborough
US/the World - At Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island, provincial delegates meet to discuss possible Canadian unity
Battles/Soldiers The Union's Army of the Tennessee captures Atlanta, boosting northern morale and Republican prospects
Crime/Disasters Near Norfolk, Virginia, a veteran U.S. Navy frigate burns and sinks at her moorings
Lawmaking/Litigating The people of Nevada vote on their proposed constitution and statehood
Education/Culture - The German-American gymnastics movement, the Turn Verein, holds a large festival in New York