
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating William Walker and his companions are indicted in New Orleans under the Neutrality Laws
Crime/Disasters Yale students and local volunteer firemen battle in New Haven and a young fireman is fatally shot
Religion/Philosophy A fourteen-year old girl gathering wood near Lourdes in rural France encounters the first of her visions of "a Lady."
Crime/Disasters The New York Insane Asylum on Blackwell's Island is destroyed by fire but no lives are lost
Personal William Guerrier of the Ward and Guerrier Company dies in an explosion in Wyoming
Religion/Philosophy Ash Wednesday
Personal Millard Fillmore marries Mrs. Caroline Carmichael McIntosh in Albany, New York
Crime/Disasters The Pacific Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri burns with significant loss of life
Foreign The Government falls in Britain; Lord Palmerston's Coalition gives way to the Earl of Derby's Conservatives
Crime/Disasters Merchant ship wrecked off Long Island, New York with no survivors amongst its crew
Business/Industry First burglar alarm installed
Crime/Disasters In Greece, a large earthquake destroys much of the ancient city of Corinth
Personal John Kintzing Kane, the U.S. District Judge who ruled against Passmore Williamson in the Jane Johnson case, dies in Philadelphia
Cultural The Virginia Washington Monument is unveiled in Richmond with Crawford's equestrian statue of Washington as its centerpiece
Religion/Philosophy First Sunday in Lent
Foreign Jose Desiderio Valverde becomes the new President of the Dominican Republic
Commercial The metallic tie for cotton bales patented
Personal Commodore Perry dies at his home in New York City
Foreign The two year sporadic revolt in Peru finally ends and peace returns to Peruvian politics
Legal/Political President Buchanan reappoints Isaac Cook as Chicago Postmaster
Commercial Street letter box patented in Philadelphia
Foreign Civil war erupts in Mexico
Foreign Felice Orsini and Guiseppe Pieri, unsuccessful assassins of Napoleon III, are executed in Paris
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor Banks of Massachusetts signs the order removing Judge Edward Greely Loring as Judge of Probate for Suffolk County
Science/Technology First day of Spring
Business/Industry The Cable Car is patented in Philadelphia
Personal Thomas B. Cuming, twice governor of Nebraska Territory, dies in office aged thirty.
Business/Industry The first pencil with attached eraser patented in Philadelphia
Business/Industry New railroad completed linking Jackson, Mississippi with New Orleans
Religion/Philosophy Good Friday