
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
US/the World Carlist pretender Don Carlos, Count Montemolin gives up his claim to be rightful King of Spain
Campaigns/Elections - Democrats hold their National Convention in Charleston, South Carolina
Foreign In Vienna, disgraced former minister of finance Baron von Bruck commits suicide
Cultural In New York, a clandestine prizefight on Ryker's Island ends in a sixty-one round draw
Crime/Disasters Angry mob of gamblers in Pennsylvania ransack the offices of the Scranton morning newspaper
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Navy captures American slave ship off the coast of Cuba with 507 African slaves aboard
Campaigns/Elections Maryland Republicans hold their state convention in Baltimore amidst hostile crowds
US/the World First Japanese diplomatic mission to the United States arrives in Panama enroute to Washington, D.C.
Crime/Disasters Steamboat burns on the Mississippi below St. Louis and sixteen people are killed
Science/Technology Speke and Grant set out from England to explore the source of the Nile
Slavery/Abolition Multi-racial crowd in Troy, New York rescue arrested fugitive slave
US/the World Spain signs the punitive treaty imposed upon Morocco following the recent war
Crime/Disasters An afternoon fire in New York City destroys businesses but no lives are lost
Slavery/Abolition Leading a crowd in Troy, New York, Harriet Tubman rescues runaway Charles Nalle
US/the World In Italy, the results of the recent plebiscite in Savoy confirms that the province will become part of France
Education/Culture Bret Harte publishes his first short story in San Francisco, California
Battles/Soldiers A thousand Navajo launch an attack on Fort Defiance in New Mexico
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Navy delivers captured American slave ship with 507 African slaves aboard to Key West, Florida
Science/Technology A meteor shower falls to earth over Muskingum County, Ohio
Campaigns/Elections Opposition Party holds on to power in the Philadelphia municipal elections
US/the World Garibaldi and his thousand volunteers set out on their invasion of Bourbon Sicily
Campaigns/Elections The Delaware Opposition Party Convention meets to select delegates for Chicago
Slavery/Abolition - In Charleston, South Carolina, sympathizers briefly rescue indicted slave ship officer from jail
US/the World King Victor Emmanuel II and Prime Minister Cavour meet in Bologna about Garibaldi's planned move on Sicily
Campaigns/Elections In New Haven, William A. Buckingham inaugurated for his third term as Governor of Connecticut
Campaigns/Elections The Virginia Republican State Convention meets in Wheeling, Virginia
Campaigns/Elections In Charleston, South Carolina, the Democratic National Convention votes to adjourn and meet in Baltimore
US/the World Coronation in Stockholm of Charles XV as King of Sweden and Norway
Education/Culture The National Medical Association holds it annual meeting in Washington D.C.
Lawmaking/Litigating The United States Supreme Court finishes its 1859-1860 session