
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Business/Industry The first east to west run of the Pony Express arrives at Carson City, Nevada
Education/Culture Statue of Henry Clay inaugurated with great ceremony in Capitol Square, Richmond, Virginia
Campaigns/Elections Indiana's Constitutional Union Party selects Ohio's Judge John McLean as choice for President
Business/Industry J. W. Richardson rides into St. Joseph, Missouri ending the first west to east run of the Pony Express
Campaigns/Elections In Virginia, Prince William County Republicans meet to choose delegates for the state convention in Wheeling
Campaigns/Elections Harrisburg, Pennsylvania elects Democrat William H. Kepner as its first mayor
Religion/Philosophy Passover ends
Crime/Disasters San Francisco lumber vessel sunk off the Oregon coast with all hands
Crime/Disasters In South Carolina, fire badly damages the Spartanburg Female College but no injuries are reported
US/the World - Inhabitants of Nice voting in a plebiscite on whether their district will become part of France
Crime/Disasters A California legislator shot and stabbed by a lobbyist on the floor of the Assembly dies of his wounds
US/the World Victor Emmanuel II receives a hero's welcome in Florence, the capital of his new province of Tuscany
Crime/Disasters Tornado strikes the town of Carlinville in west central Illinois but no deaths are reported
Lawmaking/Litigating New York requires fire escapes on city tenement buildings
Cultural Boxer John C. Heenan, "the Benicia Boy," and British champion Tom Sayers fight for a "world championship"
Crime/Disasters Oil well fire in Pennsylvania kills nineteen people
Campaigns/Elections New York State Republican Convention selects William H. Seward as its choice for President
Crime/Disasters Former Kansas governor challenges Attorney General of the United States to a duel
Religion/Philosophy Anti-Liquor agitation heats up in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Education/Culture In Boston, Henry Longfellow completes his famous poem, "Paul Revere's Ride"
Business/Industry In London, a chief cashier admits to a million dollar embezzlement of his bank
US/the World In Spain, commander of the recent abortive Carlist uprising executed by firing squad
Crime/Disasters In Topeka, Kansas, John Ritchie shoots and kills U.S. Marshal Leonard Arms during attempted arrest
US/the World In Italy, the Archbishop of Florence publicly blesses recently excommunicated King Victor Emmanuel II
Business/Industry The Charleston and Savannah Railroad begins service
Crime/Disasters - Earthquake and aftershocks strike Peru in the vicinity of the capital Lima
Foreign British and French forces occupy the strategic Chinese island of Chusan
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys the business district of Kenosha, Wisconsin
US/the World Explorer John McDouall Stuart reaches the center of the Australian Continent
US/the World In Italy, the inhabitants of Savoy vote in a plebiscite on whether their province will become part of France