
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
US/the World In Copenhagen, Prince William of Denmark formally accepts the throne of Greece
Battles/Soldiers On the Mississippi, captain and crew of Confederate steamboat defect to the Union
Crime/Disasters In Kansas, Confederate guerrillas attack and burn Shawneetown for the second time
Crime/Disasters At Nicholasville, Kentucky, a railroad locomotive explodes and kills six Union soldiers
US/the World In Japan, anti-western factions, led by Emperor Komei, order the expulsion of all foreigners
US/the World French troops enter the Mexican capital after an eighteen month campaign
Battles/Soldiers Black soldiers and naval gunfire drive off a Confederate attack on Union supply lines at Milliken's Bend
Battles/Soldiers In Louisiana, Texas troops abort the planned attack on Young's Point after a debilitating day long march
Personal Union troops ransack the plantation of Jefferson Davis on the Mississippi River below Vicksburg
Battles/Soldiers Young volunteer officer killed in clash with Sioux Indian raiders in central Minnesota
Campaigns/Elections New York City's editors meet to condemn infringements of the free press
Battles/Soldiers Confederate sailors capture a Union steam tug towing a ship up the Mississippi to New Orleans
Battles/Soldiers - In Tennessee, daring Confederate spy mission fails and two are tried and hanged
US/the World Dost Mohammed Khan, Amir of Afghanistan, dies in Herat
Lawmaking/Litigating The War Department bars the enlistment of men under eighteen without parental approval
Battles/Soldiers The War Department sets up two new Army Departments for the defense of Pennsylvania
Battles/Soldiers Thousands of Confederate prisoners arrive in Philadelphia on a single railroad train
Crime/Disasters Powder magazine explosion at Fort Lyon in Virginia kills and injures dozens of New York artillerymen
Battles/Soldiers Thousands of cavalrymen clash at Brandy Station, Virginia, in the largest cavalry battle of the war
Personal Dickinson College 1860 graduate Captain John Henry Grabill, CSA, is captured at Brandy Station
Lawmaking/Litigating Mason affair results in severe embarrassment for Moncure Conway
Battles/Soldiers Sixty Confederate officers make a daring escape from steamer carrying them to captivity
Lawmaking/Litigating In Indiana, sheriff's deputies escorting the federal draft commissioner are fatally ambushed
Crime/Disasters Warriors of the Southern Ute tribe ambush mail coach in Utah, kill two
Battles/Soldiers Raiding into Georgia, former "jayhawker" James Montgomery burns the town of Darien
Battles/Soldiers U.S.S. Florida captures the blockade runner Calypso off the North Carolina coast.
Campaigns/Elections In Columbus, Ohio Democrats nominate the banished Clement Vallandigham for governor
Crime/Disasters In central Ohio, serious armed resistance to the draft enrollment grows more threatening
Education/Culture The New York Yacht Club holds its annual regatta around Manhattan
Battles/Soldiers Confederate naval units capture the Tacony off the East Coast and convert her into a commerce raider