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Battles/Soldiers William Walker launches another fillibustering attempt against Nicaragua from New Orleans
Campaigns/Elections The Wyandotte Constitution is put to a popular vote in Kansas
Personal Karl Baedeker, founding father of travel guides, dies in Germany
Legal/Political Vigilance Committee forms in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana
Business/Industry - Michigan State Fair in session in Detroit
Campaigns/Elections A heavy earthquake strikes northern Chile
Religion/Philosophy - American Bible Union holds its 10th Annual Conference in New York City
Foreign In Italy, a mob murders the hated former military chief of the deposed Duchy of Palma
Crime/Disasters High winds devastate the New Hampshire State Fair at Dover, New Hampshire
Crime/Disasters William Walker's latest filibustering attempt ends before it begins with arrest by U.S. Marshals
Crime/Disasters Passenger steamer bound for Havana disabled off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
Religion/Philosophy Yom Kippur
Foreign Alfred Dreyfus, future French artillery officer and Devil's Island prisoner, is born in Alsace
Crime/Disasters Passengers from the stricken steamer Quaker City landed safely in Norfolk, Virginia
Education/Culture All-England Cricket team continues its tour with a match in Philadelphia
Science/Technology Charles Darwin finishes editing his great work on evolution and sends it to the printers
Religion/Philosophy In Arabia, the annual pilgramage to Mecca ends for the year
Campaigns/Elections General elections are held in five states - Pennsylvania, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and Minnesota
Personal Robert Stephenson, eminent British engineer, dies in London
Religion/Philosophy First Episcopal Bishop of Texas consecrated at Episcopal Convention in Richmond, Virginia
Crime/Disasters - Emigrant ship carrying 850 Chinese sinks in the Indian Ocean and all the passengers are lost
Education/Culture Famous trotting horse Flora Temple breaks world record for the mile in Kalamazoo, Michigan
US/the World Spain delivers a final ultimatum to Morocco threatening war if concessions are not made
Slavery/Abolition John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry
Foreign Morocco rejects Spain's ultimatum setting the stage for a six month long war in northern Morocco
Battles/Soldiers John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry continues with the townspeople fighting back
US/the World Prince of Wales begins his undergraduate career at Oxford University
Battles/Soldiers In New Mexico, U.S. Army mounted infantry fight a small band of Navajo
Battles/Soldiers John Brown's attack on Harpers Ferry ends when Marines storm the Engine House
Crime/Disasters Small earthquake strikes San Francisco Bay but with no damage or injuries