
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Slavery/Abolition The Vicksburg Convention focusing on the slave trade closes with a vote to end restrictions on the African slave trade
Cultural Horace Greeley arrives in Lawrence, Kansas on his tour of the West
Foreign In Italy, Austrian forces cross the Po River but are checked by French railway-borne reinforcements
Cultural Arthur Conan Doyle is born in Edinburgh
Foreign King "Bomba" dies in his palace in Caserta in Italy, aged forty-nine
Foreign Giuseppe Garibaldi leads his volunteers into north-western Lombardy and advances to Lake Maggiore
Foreign Giuseppe Garibaldi leads his volunteers into north-western Lombardy and forces the Austrians from Varese
Science/Technology Charles Darwin begins the final editing of his great work on evolution
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys several official buildings in Dubuque, Iowa
Crime/Disasters Tornadoes strike Morgan County, Illinois, destroying farmhouses and killing at least eight
Foreign Giuseppe Garibaldi leads his volunteers into north-western Lombardy and takes Como
Science/Technology Underwater telegraph line down the Red Sea from Suez to Aden is completed
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor Wickliffe of Louisiana orders the disbanding of civilian Vigilance Committees in the state.
Education/Culture President Buchanan sets out for the University of North Carolina to give the Commencement Address
Crime/Disasters In Kansas, a severe drought that will become the "Great Drought of 1860" starts to set in
Personal Eustace Conway, first son of Moncure Conway, is born in Cincinnati, Ohio
Crime/Disasters - Weeks of heavy rainfall bring serious flooding to the upper Mississippi
Crime/Disasters Joseph Charless, bank president and leading citizen of St Louis, Missouri is shot in the street
Crime/Disasters - An unprecedented late spring frost causes massive crop damage across the northern United States
Foreign In Italy, French forces advance on Magenta where they defeat the main Austrian army
Crime/Disasters Joseph Charless, leading citizen of St Louis, Missouri dies of his wounds after being shot in the street
Crime/Disasters Steamship bound for Glasgow from New York strikes an iceberg off of Newfoundland
Crime/Disasters Steamship that struck an iceberg reaches port safely after a thirty-hour struggle
Cultural Horace Greeley arrives in Denver on his tour of the West
Foreign In Australia the British Crown colony of Queensland is created from northern parts of New South Wales
Campaigns/Elections Kansas elects the delegates for its consitutional convention to be held in July at Wyandotte
Foreign Napoleon III and King Victor-Emmanuel enter Milan in triumph
US/the World King Oscar I of Sweden dies in Stockholm
Slavery/Abolition Maryland holds a Slaveholder's Convention with representatives from almost every county
US/the World In London, Lord Derby's attempt to form a new government is defeated