
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Legal/Political All defendants in the Columbus Jones kidnapping case acquitted in Massachusetts
Crime/Disasters Freight train derails on a bridge in Indiana and goes into the river killing two crewmen
Campaigns/Elections Leading Chicago newspaper strongly endorses Abraham Lincoln for President
Crime/Disasters - Winter gale causes havoc to shipping on the St. Lawrence Seaway in Canada
Business/Industry Henry Pope leases his farm in western Pennsylvania for oil exploration
Education/Culture Large parade held in New York City in memory of the late Senator Broderick of California
Personal Henry McCarty, alias William Bonney, alias "Billy the Kid," is born in New York City
Crime/Disasters British passenger ship hits the Nova Scotia coast and is lost along with twenty-seven lives
Business/Industry Canada's Grand Trunk Railway links Montreal with Detroit
Campaigns/Elections New governor of Mississippi is inaugurated in Jackson and calls for a convention of southern states
Legal/Political United States Army reports its strength as 17,036 officers and men in nineteen regiments
Cultural Henrik Ibsen founds the Norwegian Society aimed at the cultural independence of Norway's arts
Crime/Disasters Mount Baker in Washington Territory begins to erupt
Science/Technology James J. Mapes patents the first artificial fertilizer, a super-phosphate of lime
Legal/Political Kentucky man sends Governor Wise the rope with which to hang John Brown
Legal/Political Juan Cortina publishes his second proclamation on Mexican-American rights in Brownsville, Texas
Science/Technology The French Navy launches the world's first ironclad ocean-going warship
Science/Technology Charles Darwin's great work on evolution is published in London
Business/Industry The first railway train crosses the new Victoria Bridge across the Saint Lawrence in Quebec
Legal/Political Governor of Virginia warns Governor of Pennsylvania over possible John Brown rescue attempts
Battles/Soldiers Forces of Juan Cortina defeat Texas Rangers and drive them back to Brownsville
Education/Culture Final installment of Charles Dickens' "The Tale of Two Cities" published in London
Crime/Disasters Mount Baker in Washington Territory showing clear signs of volcanic activity
Religion/Philosophy The Board of Delegates of American Israelites meets for the first time in New York City
Legal/Political John Brown writes a letter of farewell to his sisters from his cell in Charlestown, Virginia
Religion/Philosophy New Anglican Cathedral in Montreal holds its first service
US/the World British sign treaty with Honduras concerning the Mosquito Coast
Legal/Political President Buchanan rejects Virginia's call for federal forces to police neighboring states
Personal Washington Irving dies at his home in Tarrytown, New York
Legal/Political Colonel Robert E. Lee leads federal troops back to Harpers Ferry to support Virginia's execution of John Brown