Resolutions, the Unconditional Union party of Maryland in Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, August 15, 1866.

    Source citation

    "Maryland," The American Cyclopedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1866 (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873), 471.

    Author (from)
    The Unconditional Union Party of Maryland
    Recipient (to)
    The People of Maryland
    Date Certainty
    John Osborne, Dickinson College
    Transcription date

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Whereas, The Unconditional Union party of Maryland having safely passed through the perils of disorganization cause by the abandonment of its principles by Governor Swann and other state and national officials, who are now in full affiliation with “copperheads" and the leaders of the late rebellion, we are prepared to enter the new conflict for the safety of the Union, with renewed energy and devotion. Therefore, be it
    Resolved, That we heartily indorse the Constitutional amendment as passed by Congress, regarding it as both fair and impartial to all the States; that we see nothing new in the refusal of Congress to exclude non-voting Negroes from the basis of representation, as we in Maryland have made the white population alone the basis of representation in our House of Delegates.
    Resolved, That whilst we are not in favor of extending the elective franchise to any class of persons now excluded from the same by the Constitution of Maryland and by the registry law, we are equally opposed to the representation of the freedmen of the South in the halls of Congress by those who have spilt the blood of loyal men on the soil of Maryland and elsewhere in the recent war.
    Resolved, That we approve of the test oath enacted by Congress as a preliminary qualification to the admission of members from the rebellious States to their seats, holding that no man who has taken part in the late rebellion should ever be admitted to a prominent participation in the Government of the Union, which they labored so earnestly to destroy.
    Resolved, That we will uphold the constitution of Maryland, and maintain the registry law in all its provisions, until such time as the safety of the State and nation will warrant modification or amendment.
    Resolved, That we hail with gratification, the evidence given throughout the loyal States of a determination to uphold the Congress of the United States in its efforts to reconstruct the Union upon the basis of earnest loyalty and unfaltering support of the Constitution and the laws.
    Resolved, That we regard the reconstruction policy of President Johnson as identically the same policy as that of Jeff. Davis and General Lee; and that those professed Union men of Maryland who have given in their adhesion to that policy are, necessarily, in affiliation with the leaders of the rebellion, and in antagonism to the loyal men of the nation.
    Resolved, That we view with feelings of horror the details of the recent massacre of loyal men at New Orleans, which is the direct and inevitable consequence of President Johnson's policy; and we hold Governor Swann and all other indorsers of his policy as indirectly implicated in its terrible results, and responsible for a policy calculated to produce a similar condition of affairs in Maryland.
    Resolved, That the thanks of all truly loyal men, are due to the soldiers and sailors of the Union for their bravery, their sacrifices, and their unfaltering devotion; and we heartily approve of the measures passed by Congress at its recent session for their relief
    Resolved, That it will be the duty of every loyal voter of Maryland to take an active art in the approaching campaign, thus to teach those who have been unfaithful to their trusts that they can only influence and seduce those who are office seekers and place hunters.
    Resolved, That the Union party of the State, in view of the many instances of unfaithfulness and political treason on the part of many of those they have hitherto delighted to honor, should take warning from the past, and inquire closely into the principles and antecedents of those who are aspirants for their suffrages; especially in making nominations for Congress and the Legislature.
    Resolved, That we are now, and ever will be, opposed to treason and in favor of human liberty and free government the world over — and hence we denounce the policy of President Johnson, which places the militia power of the United States in the hands of the rebel mayor of New Orleans, to crush out the Union sentiment of Louisiana, and on the other hand wields the same military power to strangle the efforts of the Irish people to establish a republican government for their native land.
    Resolved, That we earnestly recommend a thorough reorganization of the Union Leagues of the State, as there is every reason to believe that the time has not yet passed for these active and efficient organizations to render good service to the State and nation.

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