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Science/Technology John Ericsson's new ironclad is commissioned as the U.S.S. Monitor
Religion/Philosophy Ash Wednesday begins the Christian observance of Lent for 1862
Campaigns/Elections In Annapolis, the Maryland Legislature elects Reverdy Johnson as United States Senator
Lawmaking/Litigating President Lincoln suggests to Congress ways gradually to end slavery in the United States
Battles/Soldiers - In northwest Arkansas, Union forces win a fierce three-day battle at Pea Ridge, around Elkhorn Tavern
Personal Famous Texas Ranger Ben McCulloch killed instantly by rifle fire at the Battle of Pea Ridge
Crime/Disasters The towering castle at Segovia in Spain heavily damaged in a massive fire
Battles/Soldiers Off Norfolk, Virginia, the ironclad C.S.S. Virginia leads an attack that cripples the Union blockading fleet
Crime/Disasters War souvenir kills two young men in a Camden, New Jersey hotel
Crime/Disasters Steamship packed with food bound for the northern English port of Liverpool sinks in a storm in mid-Atlantic
Battles/Soldiers In Hampton Roads, the Virginia and the Monitor pound each other in the first ever battle between ironclads
Battles/Soldiers The Confederate invasion of New Mexico reaches and occupies the territorial capital of Santa Fe
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys Euphemia Hall, a female Episcopal school founded and run by a Dickinson College graduate
US/the World Britain and France declare by treaty that Zanzibar in East Africa is separate and independent from Oman
Battles/Soldiers Union troops reoccupy Manassas Junction, Virginia, eight months after the defeat at Bull Run
Battles/Soldiers The public sees for the first time the series of orders by which President Lincoln took full command of the war
Battles/Soldiers - Confederates evacuate St. Augustine, Florida and U.S. naval units land peacefully the next day
Personal Janet Delano, pioneer nursing administrator, is born near Montour Falls, New York
Education/Culture George Peabody donates $750,000 to his adopted home city of London for charitable use
Lawmaking/Litigating The Governor of New York reacts to the emergence of naval ironclad warfare in Virginia
US/the World In British India, Lord Elgin arrives in Calcutta to take up his duties as Viceroy
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary of War Edwin Stanton appoints a special commission to investigate fraud in Army contracts
Lawmaking/Litigating A new Article of War forbids the military to return escaped slaves to their former owners
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, Union land and sea units advance up the Neuse River to attack New Bern
Lawmaking/Litigating Senator Lazarus Powell survives a U.S. Senate vote to expel him for "seducing citizens into rebellion and treason"
Battles/Soldiers Confederate troops hastily evacuate New Madrid, Missouri in the face of a powerful Union advance
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, combined Union land and naval force win the battle of New Bern
Lawmaking/Litigating Massachusetts votes to build its own ironclads to defend its coast against the Confederate Navy
Battles/Soldiers Union naval units bombard remaining Confederate installations along Aquia Creek in northern Virginia
Crime/Disasters In Dutchess County, New York, a troop train derailment kills five men of the 94th New York Volunteers