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Type Title
US/the World Japan pays an indemnity Britain demanded for attacks on its people and property in the country
Battles/Soldiers Admiral Dahlgren appointed to replace the ailing Admiral Foote as South Atlantic Squadron commander
Carlisle/Dickinson In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Dickinson College holds its annual commencement ceremonies
US/the World On the deadline for all foreigners to be expelled, Japanese factions begin attacking Western shipping
Battles/Soldiers In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the Barracks garrison and New York militia units evacuate the town
Education/Culture Second day of the opening meeting of the 1863 New York racing season sees a record four mile run
Crime/Disasters In Chicago, rioters attack federal draft enrollment officials arresting two men for refusing to be registered
Battles/Soldiers At Vicksburg, a large mine is exploded under defenses but an attempt at a Union breakthrough fails
Battles/Soldiers Admiral Andrew Foote dies after a short illness at the Astor Hotel in New York City
Campaigns/Elections In Montpelier, the Vermont Democrats nominate Timothy P. Redfield for governor in the fall elections
Battles/Soldiers Major General N.J.T. Dana named as the commander of the defenses of Philadelphia
Battles/Soldiers Outside of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, raw militia cavalry clash with veteran Confederate horsemen
US/the World The Alexandra Case, over British neutrality in ship-building, reaches a verdict in London
Battles/Soldiers In Hanover County, Virginia, Pennsylvania cavalry capture W.H.F. "Rooney" Lee, son of Robert E. Lee
Battles/Soldiers In Maine, an audacious Confederate attempt to sail away with a Coast Guard cutter narrowly fails
Battles/Soldiers - In Carlisle, Rodes' infantry enjoy a brief but comfortable respite at the U.S. Army Cavalry School
Battles/Soldiers General George Meade appointed commander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing Joseph Hooker
US/the World In Lithuania, the Russians hang Polish Insurrection leader General Zymund Semiakowski
Battles/Soldiers In Tennessee, the Seventh Pennsylvania's bold cavalry charge wins their leader a Medal of Honor
Battles/Soldiers In York County, Pennsylvania, Hanover and Hanover Junction suffer a visit from Virginia cavalry
Battles/Soldiers - In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Confederate troops occupy a town familiar to some of their officers
Lawmaking/Litigating Missouri Convention is hammering out a resolution to end slavery and compensate slaveowners
Battles/Soldiers Union defenders retreat across the Susquehanna burning the Wrightsville Bridge behind them
Battles/Soldiers Three young Union cavalrymen are promoted as brigade commanders, including one named Custer
Battles/Soldiers - Around Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, Confederate advance units skirmish with Union troops defending Harrisburg
Battles/Soldiers Confederate patrols reach the Perry County line, the northern limit of the Pennsylvania invasion
Battles/Soldiers U.S. naval units drive off a Confederate attempt to capture Donaldsonville, Louisiana
Battles/Soldiers - Confederate infantry occupy York, Pennsylvania
Battles/Soldiers Confederate cavalry occupy Mechanicsburg, just nine miles from the Pennsylvania state capitol
Battles/Soldiers Reconnoitering Confederates reach the Susquehanna, across from the Pennsylvania state capital