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Battles/Soldiers In Pennsylvania, the Confederate Second Corps begins to pull back to concentrate on Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers The leading First Corps of the Army of the Potomac camps four miles west of Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers North Carolina cavalry leader experiences an undignified capture in the streets of Hanover
Battles/Soldiers Heavy fighting with Union cavalry at Hanover, Pennsylvania again delays Stuart's Confederate cavalry
Battles/Soldiers In Louisiana, Confederate raiders capture a convalescing Union general outside Port Hudson
Battles/Soldiers The final action in the defense of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania takes place at Sporting Hill
Lawmaking/Litigating The U.S. Government counts only eighteen veterans remaining from the Revolutionary War
US/the World British government reports a recent nationwide increase in measles and scarlet fever
Slavery/Abolition The Netherlands abolishes African slavery in the Dutch West Indies
Lawmaking/Litigating The War Department decides that Generals Fremont and McClellan outrank General Benjamin Butler
Battles/Soldiers At dawn, the last Confederate occupiers of Carlisle, Pennsylvania leave the town
Science/Technology Central Pennsylvania has fifteen hours of daylight today and a Full Moon
Battles/Soldiers Major General W.F. Smith's Union troops arrive in Carlisle, Pennsylvania to an enthusiastic welcome
Battles/Soldiers Shells from General J.E.B. Stuart's horse artillery rain down on Carlisle in an evening bombardment
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers John Burns, 69 year-old War of 1812 veteran, picks up his flintlock and joins the Iron Brigade
Battles/Soldiers General John Reynolds killed in action within two hours of battle commencing at Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers Attack of Confederate infantry on dismounted Union cavalry begins the collision of armies at Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers Volunteer Philadelphia Artillery battery, full of distinguished Philadelphians, goes into action at Carlisle
Battles/Soldiers Stuart's cavalrymen destroy the U.S. Army's Cavalry School at Carlisle Barracks
Battles/Soldiers After midnight outside Carlisle, General J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry is ordered to concentrate on Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers At Gettysburg, Union General Daniel Sickles disregards orders and loses much of his III Corps and his right leg
Battles/Soldiers At Gettysburg, V Corps troops hold, just, the threatened right flank of the Union line at Little Round Top
Battles/Soldiers William Miller of Cumberland County disobeys orders and wins the Medal of Honor at Gettysburg
Battles/Soldiers In the town of Gettysburg, 20-year-old Jennie Wade is killed instantly, hit with a stray Confederate bullet
Battles/Soldiers At Gettysburg, Maryland neighbors meet in heavy combat on Culp's Hill
Battles/Soldiers Lee's attack on the Union center ends with the failure of Pickett's Charge
Crime/Disasters Short but severe earthquake strikes Manila in the Philippines, killing hundreds
Battles/Soldiers After forty-seven days of intense siege, Vicksburg surrenders to Grant's Army of the Tennessee
Battles/Soldiers In torrential rain, the Army of Northern Virginia begins its retreat from Pennsylvania