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Type Title
Legal/Political - Shelby Moore Cullom serves in the United States House of Representatives
Legal/Political - Burton Chauncey Cook serves in the United States House of Representatives
Legal/Political - John Wentworth serves in the United States House of Representatives
Crime/Disasters In Cambridge, Ohio, two Union deserters murder the assistant Provost Marshal of the Seventeenth District
Crime/Disasters A massive evening fire in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince destroys much of the business district
Crime/Disasters Near Bristol, Pennsylvania, two troop trains collide killing five and injuring many more
Crime/Disasters In South Carolina, teenaged domestic slave Amy Spain is hanged for proclaiming herself free
Battles/Soldiers In Louisville, Kentucky, captured Confederate guerrilla M. Jerome Clarke, rumored to be "Sue Mundy," is executed for murder
Science/Technology Spring begins
Battles/Soldiers Powerful and feared Confederate warship sails away from Ferrol in Spain and U.S. Navy warships decline an engagement
Science/Technology In Wisconsin, a meteorite explodes in the morning skies over Vernon County
Battles/Soldiers In New York Harbor, convicted Confederate spy and New York City arsonist Captain Robert Cobb Kennedy is executed
Battles/Soldiers In the Blakeley River east of Mobile, Alabama, the U.S.S. Milwaukee hits a mine and sinks in three minutes
Battles/Soldiers Confederate warship departs Lisbon and confusion involving following U.S. ships almost sparks an international incident
Battles/Soldiers In western Maryland, Confederate raiders capture and burn the Baltimore to Wheeling mail train
Battles/Soldiers At Dinwiddie Courthouse, Horatio Collins King performs the heroics for which he will later receive a Medal of Honor
Crime/Disasters Of Cape Hatteras, a Union transport ship burns and sinks, with at least five hundred men, women, and children lost
Battles/Soldiers Twenty-six year old Union General Frederic Winthrop is killed at the head of his men at Five Forks
Battles/Soldiers In Dinwiddie County, Virginia, the Union's Fifth Corps capture a vital crossroads at the Battle of Five Forks
Battles/Soldiers In central Alabama, Union cavalry push back an outnumbered General Nathan Bedford Forest at the Battle of Ebenezer Church
Battles/Soldiers In Alabama, a U.S. Navy stern-wheeler becomes the latest victim of Confederate mines near Mobile
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, Confederate General A.P. Hill is killed riding in front of the Confederate lines at Petersburg
Crime/Disasters - In Canada, heavy spring flooding inundate portions of Montreal
Battles/Soldiers In a bloody assault, Union troops take the fortified armaments manufacturing town of Selma, Alabama
Battles/Soldiers The Confederate Government evacuates its capital of Richmond, hours before victorious Union troops march in
Personal Richard Cobden, famed free trade advocate and strong British supporter of the Union dies in London
Crime/Disasters In New Bern, North Carolina, a reported Confederate attempt to destroy the city by arson fails
Battles/Soldiers After 292 days of Union siege, General Robert E. Lee orders the evacuation of Petersburg, Virginia
Battles/Soldiers After nine months of bloody attempts, the Union Army marches into Petersburg, Virginia
Battles/Soldiers In Richmond, teenaged Union officer Johnston De Peyster hoists the Stars and Stripes over the Confederate Capitol