
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating The Georgia State Convention votes to repeal the act of Secession passed in its legislature on January 19, 1861
Education/Culture Two of the country's best baseball clubs meet in Philadelphia with Brooklyn's "Atlantics" victorious
Personal Fugitive Confederate States founder and General Robert Toombs sails for Cuba from New Orleans
Crime/Disasters Heavy gales ravage cargo ships on Lake Ontario and several are lost
Crime/Disasters In New York City, a late morning explosion shakes Greenwich Village
Education/Culture In New York's East River, Blackwell Island Asylum celebrates new buildings with a ball for the patients
Business/Industry New York's Musicians Protective Association meets to assess the progress of its current citywide strike
Campaigns/Elections Election Day across much of the United States
Science/Technology In New York, newlyweds celebrate with a two hour balloon flight from Central Park to Mount Vernon
Personal Famous British boxer, Tom Sayers, dies in London, aged thirty-nine
Crime/Disasters In Washington D.C., the National Police head Lafayette Baker is indicted for false imprisonment and extortion
Crime/Disasters Henry Wirz, former commandant of the Andersonville prison camp, is executed in Washington, D.C.
Women/Families In Washington, Mary E. Walker is awarded the Medal of Honor for her services as a Union wartime nurse
Personal Former Senator Preston King, Collector of the Port of New York commits suicide in New York Harbor
Crime/Disasters In New York City, St. George's Episcopal Church is completely gutted in an afternoon fire
Education/Culture In New York City, General Grant spends the afternoon at the racetrack
US/the World In Italy, King Victor Emmanuel II opens the new Italian parliament
Education/Culture At a gala reception in New York City, thousands greet General Ulysses S. Grant and his family
Campaigns/Elections - In Charleston, the "Colored People's Convention of the State of South Carolina" is meeting
Crime/Disasters Seventy-five people die in a steamboat collision near Helena, Arkansas
US/the World After heated anti-Spanish demonstrations in Lima, Peruvian President Canseco is overthrown
Battles/Soldiers Off the coast of Chile, two Spanish and Chilean warships clash in the "Battle of Papudo."
Slavery/Abolition Alabama's African-Americans hold their First Freedmen's Convention at Mobile
Crime/Disasters In Virginia, a midnight train wreck kills two soldiers and a brakeman
Campaigns/Elections Florida elects David Shelby Walker as its first post-Civil War elected governor along with a new legislature
Crime/Disasters Factory explosion in a Philadelphia foundry kills one worker and injures others
Battles/Soldiers Volunteer Generals Butler and Dix end their Civil War military service
Crime/Disasters In Massachusetts, a would-be safe cracker is reportedly killed by his own explosion
Lawmaking/Litigating North Carolina ratifies the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery
Lawmaking/Litigating President Johnson lifts the suspension of Habeas Corpus in all loyal states but retains it in the South