
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture On the Hudson River off Poughkeepsie, New York, a boat race for a purse of $6000 ends in controversy
Science/Technology Co-founder of the Mayo Clinic, Charles Horace Mayo is born in Rochester, Minnesota
Crime/Disasters In Washington, Mary Harris is acquitted of murder by reason of temporary insanity after a sensational trial
Crime/Disasters A transport ship sinks shortly after leaving port in North Carolina, drowning seventeen soldiers
Science/Technology In London, the cornerstone is laid for the new Blackfriars Bridge across the Thames
Crime/Disasters In Springfield, Missouri, "Will Bill" Hickok duels with Davis Hutt in the town square, shooting him in the heart
Science/Technology Almost three years in the building, the U.S.S. Dunderburg is finally launched into New York's East River
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, the War Department purchases Ford's Theater and begins to convert it as an office building
Battles/Soldiers - In Wyoming, a thousand Cheyenne warriors attack the immigrant transport link at Platte Bridge
Crime/Disasters A massive afternoon summer thunderstorm hits Hartford, Connecticut
Campaigns/Elections In Virginia, several former Confederate officers and officers are elected as mayor and city councillors
Crime/Disasters In Tennessee, gunfire erupts on the streets of Nashville and a prominent citizen is killed
Personal Ulysses S. Grant arrives at the resort in Saratoga, New York on the next stage of his victory tour
Campaigns/Elections In Virginia, Union General Alfred Terry voids the recent Richmond city elections
Crime/Disasters In Washington, D.C., heavy rainfall damages the White House
Battles/Soldiers General Ulysses S. Grant continues his victory tour of American cities, arriving in Boston, Massachusetts
Crime/Disasters Off the Oregon coast, a loaded passenger ship sinks in a massive storm with heavy loss of life
Crime/Disasters In New York, a brawl between two city inspectors turns deadly and one is shot to death
Crime/Disasters Hundreds of passengers and crew have a lucky escape when their steamship burns in the Atlantic
Science/Technology In the Atlantic, the latest effort to lay a transatlantic telegraph cable fails when the cable breaks and is lost
Education/Culture In upstate New York, the annual six-day horse racing meeting opens at Saratoga
Education/Culture On the Thames, in London, Harry Kelley regains his world sculling championship
Crime/Disasters Two passenger steamers collide on Lake Huron and scores of passengers and crew are lost
Education/Culture New Jersey farming families make for the beach on the day of the Grand Annual Farmer's Picnic
Crime/Disasters In Connecticut, a locomotive ploughs into the back of a passenger train, killing at least seven and injuring many more
Crime/Disasters Alleged embezzlers, accused of defrauding the Phoenix Bank of up to $300,000 face a New York City Court
Science/Technology The Suez Canal sees the first small vessel transit from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, Clara Barton raises the Stars and Stripes over the new National Cemetery at Andersonville
Personal In Illinois, General U.S. Grant returns to his hometown of Galena for the first time since the outbreak of the war
Battles/Soldiers In Texas, the bodies of the German-American victims of the 1862 "Nueces Massacre" are buried together.