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Crime/Disasters On the Mississippi, a steamboat explosion kills up to ten people, including Ohio infantrymen heading home
Education/Culture - In Maryland, thousands of German-Americans are attending a three day "Schutzen Fest" held in Baltimore
Crime/Disasters In Connecticut, a passenger train hits a cow and several carriages are derailed with injuries but no fatalities
Crime/Disasters Henry Wirz, former commandant of the Andersonville prison camp, goes on trial in Washington
Crime/Disasters - At the Capitol, the trial of Henry Wirz, former Andersonville prison commandant, continues in Washington
Crime/Disasters In Pennsylvania, a massive head-on collision on the Oil Creek Railroad kills up to nine people and injures many more
Education/Culture In Philadelphia, the city's boat clubs, "the Schuylkill Navy," hold their first regatta since the outbreak of the Civil War
US/the World In southern England, an international naval festival opens off the Royal Navy's base at Portsmouth
Business/Industry In Philadelphia, the Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon closes its doors
Crime/Disasters Outside New York City, two passenger trains on the Long Island Railroad collide head-on killing five people
Battles/Soldiers In Wyoming, U.S. troops scatter a large Arapaho village on the Tongue River
US/the World In San Salvador, former El Salvador president Gerardo Barrios is executed at dawn
Campaigns/Elections In Richmond, a public demonstration of Virginia's loyalty to the Union is held on the Capitol grounds
Business/Industry In Chicago, the new impressive offices of the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade are inaugurated
Education/Culture The annual North American festival of German-American "Turner" clubs is held in Cincinnati, Ohio
Personal Famous American poet, Hannah Flagg Gould, dies at her home in Massachusetts
Crime/Disasters In Turkey, a fire in Constantinople destroys much of the historic Stamboul section of the city
Crime/Disasters At Camp Chase in Ohio, two Union deserters who murdered the assistant Provost Marshal of the Seventeenth District are executed
Crime/Disasters In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, several steamboats are burned at the Monongahela Docks in a disastrous fire
Lawmaking/Litigating - Alabama holds an elected State Convention to plan for the state's return to full national participation
Education/Culture - Two New York yachts with very wealthy owners compete in an ocean race off Long Island
Science/Technology - Tied to their docks in the New York's East River, two naval ships begin extensive boiler tests
Crime/Disasters In Nashville, closing arguments begin at the two-month trial of notorious Confederate guerrilla leader Champ Ferguson
Education/Culture The thirty-sixth annual fair of the American Institute opens in New York City
Battles/Soldiers Near New Haven, Connecticut's 2nd National Guard Regiment winds up its annual camp with a dress parade
US/the World In Dublin, Irish police seize the offices of the Fenian Brotherhood's newspaper, the Irish People.
Crime/Disasters In Maine, a train carrying seven hundred returning Maine soldiers runs a gauntlet of fire through Cedar Swamp
Religion/Philosophy - The United States Universalist Convention for 1865 meets in Middletown, Connecticut
Business/Industry At a great celebration in Cedar Falls, ground is broken on the ambitious Iowa Central Railraod
Education/Culture The monument to Thomas Wildey, founder of the Odd Fellows in America, is dedicated in Baltimore, Maryland