
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Religion/Philosophy Easter Sunday
Foreign The Boulevard de Sebastopol, the latest of Haussmann's tranformations of Paris, is opened
Cultural The Ladies' Mount Vernon Association acquire Mount Vernon from the Washington family
Religion/Philosophy Passover ends
Personal John Brown meets with Harriet Tubman in Canada
Personal Senator Thomas Hart Benton, "Old Bullion," dies of cancer in Washington, D.C.
Religion/Philosophy The Muslim feast of Ramadan begins
Personal Emile Durkheim, one of the founders of Sociology, is born in Alsace-Lorraine
Business/Industry Minnesota bond issue brings in $2,275,000
Foreign Mexican conservative Miguel Miramón leads his troops to victory over liberal forces at San Luís Potosí
Personal Max Planck, who will become one of the prime movers of quantum physics, is born in Kiel, Germany
Legal/Political John Brown arrives in Chatham, Ontario for a series of secret meetings
Foreign Nicaragua and Costa Rica appeal to the European powers for protection against filibusters
Business/Industry Gold discovered on the Fraser River in British Columbia
Foreign Liberal leader Benito Juárez returns to Mexico from exile in the US and the Caribbean
Personal Josiah James Evans, Senator from South Carolina, dies in office in Washington, D.C.
Lawmaking/Litigating Abraham Lincoln wins the famous "Almanac Case" in Beardstown, Illinois
Legal/Political At the Chatham Convention in Ontario, John Brown sets up his Provisional Constitution
Foreign Divorce becomes a little easier in the United Kingdom
Lawmaking/Litigating Minnesota is admitted to the Union as the 32nd state
Battles/Soldiers Comanches defeated at the Battle of Little Robe Creek in Oklahoma and their chief, Iron Jacket, killed
Legal/Political - Eighth National Women's Rights Convention held in New York City
US/the World United States signs a commercial and friendship treaty with Bolivia in La Paz
Personal The British-born writer Henry William Herbert shoots himself in the Stevens House Hotel in New York City
Science/Technology Baltimore gets its first steam fire engine
Military/Violent Missouri "border ruffians" murder five freesoilers near Marais des Cygnes in Kansas
Lawmaking/Litigating Minnesota puts together its new state government in its capital of St. Paul
Religion/Philosophy Whitsunday or Pentecost
Personal Moncure Conway marries Ellen Dana in Cincinnati, Ohio
Science/Technology Giovanni Donati discovers his comet