
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Science/Technology Donati's Comet passes at its closest to the Earth
Cultural - The highly influential Association for the Promotion of Social Science holds its second annual meeting in Liverpool, England
Campaigns/Elections Lincoln and Douglas hold their sixth, and most acrimonious, debate in Quincy, Illinois
Campaigns/Elections Lincoln and Douglas hold their final debate in Alton, Illinois
Personal Future boxing champion John L. Sullivan born to Irish immigrant parents in Boston
Business/Industry Suffolk Bank announces its intention to end the Suffolk Banking System in force since 1824
Education/Culture London based philanthropist George Peabody donates a further $200,000 to the Peabody Institute in Baltimore
Battles/Soldiers In New Mexico, an audacious Navajo attack on the Fort Defiance livestock herd is driven off
Cultural Offenbach's operetta "Orpheus in the Underworld" opens in Paris and introduces the world to the "can-can"
Foreign The dispute between France and Portugal over the slave ship "Charles-et-Georges" is settled
Slavery/Abolition Senator Seward gives his famous "irrepressible conflict" speech in Rochester, New York
Personal Theodore Roosevelt is born in New York City
Business/Industry Rowland Hussey Macy opens his new New York City store for its first day of business and has takings of $11.06
Personal The last of Wolfgang Mozart's sons dies in Milan
Religion/Philosophy All Saints Day
Foreign Queen Victoria is proclaimed throughout India as Queen; Lord Canning is to be the first Viceroy of India
Legal/Political A Reform Association is constituted in Baltimore to attempt to bring order to the city
Campaigns/Elections Illinois Democrats retain control of the state legislature in the November 1858 election
Religion/Philosophy Quakers moderate their demands in marriage and in dress
Personal Harriet Taylor Mill, wife of and collaborator with John Stuart Mill, dies at Avignon in France
Personal Samuel Eli Cornish, pioneer black journalist and abolitionist, dies in Brooklyn
Foreign Mexican liberals begin to advance westward towards Mexico City in hopes of winning the War of the Reform
Personal Benjamin Franklin Butler, former Attorney General of the United States, dies in Paris
Lawmaking/Litigating The United States and Chile agree to submit the long standing "Macedonia" dispute for arbitration
Personal James Garfield marries Lucretia Randolph in Ohio
Personal Robert Owen dies in Wales, aged eighty
Foreign Big Ben sounds for the first time
Lawmaking/Litigating The city of Denver is founded in Colorado and named for the territorial governor
Foreign Montalembert is tried and convicted for libel in a French imperial court
Lawmaking/Litigating Vermont passes a new Personal Liberty Law