
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters City Marshal of Lexington, Kentucky dies in the performance of his duty
Crime/Disasters Massive explosion and fire at a fireworks factory in London
Crime/Disasters Mining disaster in Pennsylvania
Legal/Political Turkish admiral ends his visit to United States
Crime/Disasters Five killed in Erie Railroad accident in upstate New York
Lawmaking/Litigating United States signs a commercial treaty with Belgium in Washington, D.C.
Personal John Anthony Quitman, Mexican War general and Mississippi advocate of secession, dies on his plantation in Natchez
Business/Industry Boston-built steam yacht delivered to the Viceroy of Egypt
Foreign Napoleon III of France and Count Cavour of Piedmont meet in secret in southern France to plot war with Austria
Cultural Admission charged to a Baseball Park for the first time
Crime/Disasters American sailing vessel capsizes during a gale and fifteen passengers and crew are lost
Foreign - H.M.S. Cyclops bombards Jeddah
Foreign Lionel de Rothschild finally takes his seat in the British Parliament
Dickinsonian Former Dickinson College president Jeremiah Atwater dies, aged eighty-five
Crime/Disasters Train crash in upstate New York kills and injures many passengers.
Crime/Disasters Fire completely destroys the Antwerp Bourse
Foreign Great Britain replaces the East India Company as the official ruler of India and ends the Indian Mutiny
Foreign - Queen Victoria visits France
Personal Alexis Soyer, the most famous chef in Europe, dies in London
Crime/Disasters Fatal accident on the New York Central Railroad
Education/Culture The National Teachers' Association holds its first convention
Crime/Disasters Fire at the Illinois State Prison
Religion/Philosophy The cornerstone of New York City's new Catholic cathedral, Saint Patrick's, is laid
Personal William Graham, former U.S. Congressman, dies at his farm near Vallonia, Indiana
US/the World Nicaragua adopts a new constitution
Foreign Japan signs a commercial treaty with Russia
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Navy captures American slaveship with 318 slaves aboard
Campaigns/Elections Lincoln and Douglas hold their first debate in Ottawa, Illinois
Crime/Disasters - Passenger ship bound for Australia catches fire in the South Atlantic, six hundred miles from land
US/the World The Treaty of Yedo is signed between Japan and Britain