
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Religion/Philosophy Corpus Christi celebrated
Personal James Pinckney Henderson, the new Senator from Texas, dies in Philadelphia before even taking his seat
Personal William Stoker marries in Texas
Business/Industry A gold nugget weighting almost 185 pounds dug up in the Australian gold fields
Crime/Disasters - Abundant rains deluge many northern states
Foreign The "Welcome Nugget," weighing 126.25 pounds, found in the Australian goldfields
Crime/Disasters Floods in Baltimore
US/the World President Báez flees Santo Domingo
US/the World Treaty signed between United States and China
Crime/Disasters Steamboat founders on the Mississippi
Legal/Political The 35th Congress ends its first session in Washington, DC. and adjourns until December
Crime/Disasters Floods ravage Cairo, Illinois
Legal/Political James H. Lane goes on trial for murder in Kansas
Legal/Political Utah Territorial Governor proclaims a blanket pardon to end the Mormon War
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Senate of the United States is sitting in a two day special session in Washington, DC
Campaigns/Elections Lincoln delivers his famous House Divided speech in Springfield, Illinois
Campaigns/Elections - Lincoln-Douglas campaign lasts from mid-June 1858 until January 1859
Crime/Disasters Business district in Mariposa burns
Crime/Disasters Massive fire on the London Docks
Science/Technology First day of Summer
US/the World In Bologna, Italy, Edgardo Mortara is removed by force from his Jewish parents' home to be raised as a Catholic
Foreign Great Britain and China sign the Treaty of Tientsin, ending the Anglo-Chinese War (1856-58) and opening Chinese ports
Crime/Disasters Another great warehouse fire on the London Docks
Cultural Joseph Heco becomes the first Japanese born citizen of the United States
Foreign In Mexico, conservative and liberal forces fight an inconclusive but bloody battle at Atenquique in the western state of Jalisco
Personal - President Monroe goes home to Virginia
Dickinsonian Dickinson College holds annual commencement ceremonies (1858)
Foreign King Oscar I dies at his palace in Sweden and is succeeded by his eldest son, who becomes Charles XV
Campaigns/Elections Senator Douglas launches his campaign with a speech in Chicago, Illinois
Crime/Disasters City Marshal of Lexington, Kentucky dies in the performance of his duty