
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Science/Technology Brooklyn celebrates the completion of its ambitious scheme to supply the city with running water
Education/Culture Charles Dickens begins publication of his "The Tale of Two Cities"
Foreign Five Austrian army corps have crossed into Piedmont and occupy large areas north of the Po River
Religion/Philosophy Prayers of thanksgiving made in all British churches for the success in putting down the Indian Mutiny
Foreign Italy in 1859, by the numbers
Battles/Soldiers Long-range patrol in force from the Second Cavalry defeats Comanche war party in south Texas
US/the World French Emperor Napoleon III issues his official declaration of war on the Austrian Empire
Science/Technology Brunel's Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar in the west of England is officially opened
US/the World With the Treaty of Caracas, Brazil and Venezuela agree on their Amazonian border
Foreign Alexander von Humboldt dies in Berlin
Personal Joseph Brown Smith, the first fully blind American college graduate, dies in Louisville, Kentucky
US/the World Senator Seward sails for Europe on a mission to "recruit his health" and study "Old World" institutions
Slavery/Abolition Fugitive slave stowaway Columbus Jones arrives in chains at Hyannis, Massachusetts
Cultural Horace Greeley sets off from New York on his tour of the West
Slavery/Abolition A commercial convention focusing on the slave trade opens in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Slavery/Abolition Fugitive slave stowaway Columbus Jones returned to the South from Massachusetts
Business/Industry - The Southern Commercial Convention is meeting in Vicksburg, Mississippi with slavery high on the agenda
Legal/Political Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Charles Langston is found guilty under the Fugitive Slave Law in Cleveland
Foreign - French Emperor Napoleon III travels from Paris to Genoa to take command of the French troops in Italy
Slavery/Abolition - A commercial convention focusing on the slave trade is meeting in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Business/Industry Prospector makes the richest gold discovery yet in Colorado
Slavery/Abolition Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Simeon Bushnell is sentenced to sixty days in jail for violation of the Fugitive Slave Law
Women/Families Ninth National Women's Rights Convention held in New York City
Legal/Political Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Charles Langston is sentenced to twenty days in jail
Battles/Soldiers Second Cavalry units under Major Earl Van Dorn defeat hostile Comanche in the northern Indian Territory
Cultural Horace Greeley arrives in Kansas on his tour of the West
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor Whiteaker convenes the legislature of the new state of Oregon for the first time
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys a large part of Key West, Florida with 110 houses burned
Foreign In Paris, the French Loan called to fund with Austria is massively over-subscribed
Lawmaking/Litigating The Republican Party is organized in Kansas at a Convention in Osawatomie