
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Legal/Political Congress approves a reservation for the Pima and Miricopa tribes near the Gila River in New Mexico Territory
Slavery/Abolition New Arkansas law offers free black residents choice between exile or enslavement
Foreign In Britain, Benjamin Disraeli introduces a Parliamentary Reform Bill in the House of Commons
Crime/Disasters Five newspaper offices burn in Memphis, Tennessee fire
Cultural Yiddish popular writer Shalom Aleichem born in the Ukraine
Religion/Philosophy The East Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Church meets in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Lawmaking/Litigating The 35th Congress of the United States ends its term and adjourns
Lawmaking/Litigating The Senate of the United States opens a week long special session in Washington, DC
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Senate of the United States is sitting in a week long special session in Washington, DC
Foreign The Swiss Federal Council says Switzerland will defend itself and its neutrality, by force if need be
US/the World President Buchanan appoints Robert McLane as minister to Mexico
Legal/Political Roger Taney issues decision in Ableman v. Booth
Education/Culture Kenneth Grahame, author of "The Wind in the Willows," born in Edinburgh
Personal U.S. Postmaster-General Aaron V. Brown dies in office in Washington, DC
Lawmaking/Litigating Federal Judge John Cradlebaugh opens grand jury hearings in Provo, Utah on the Mountain Meadows Massacre
Foreign The Italian Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia mobilizes its armed forces for war with Austria
Lawmaking/Litigating Joseph Holt confirmed as new Postmaster-General in the Buchanan Cabinet
Lawmaking/Litigating The Senate of the United States ends its week long special session in Washington, DC
Religion/Philosophy Public meeting of Methodists in north Texas protests the influence of northern abolitionist preachers in the Church
Crime/Disasters - Spring tides and high winds cause flooding and subsidence along the Hudson River in New York
Foreign In Mexico, General Miguel Miramón surrounds Vera Cruz, capital of the Liberal government
Education/Culture Charles Gounod's opera "Faust" premieres in Paris to luke-warm critical acclaim
Crime/Disasters Fatal railroad accident in Canada when a Great Western Railway express train plunges into a ravine
Education/Culture The Zoological Society of Philadelphia plans the nation's first zoo
Crime/Disasters Disastrous earthquake levels the city of Quito in Ecuador and kills 5000 people
Foreign Great Power conference proposed in Europe to head off war between Austria and Piedmont-Sardinia
Foreign In London, the House of Lords defeats a bill which would have allowed a widower to marry his dead wife's sister
Crime/Disasters Congressman Daniel Sickles is indicted for murder in Washington D.C. in the shooting of Philip Barton Key
Science/Technology French amateur astronomer observes a new planet in our solar system
Legal/Political Territorial Governor Cumming of Utah protests U.S. Army troops aiding the federal court sitting in Provo