
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Legal/Political Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Simeon Bushnell is found guilty in a Cleveland federal court
Foreign The British court-martial Tatya Tope, one of the last leaders of the Indian Rebellion to be captured
Foreign Oxford wins the traditional University Boat Race on the Thames when the Cambridge boat sinks
Education/Culture The cornerstone of the Peabody Institute is laid in Baltimore, Maryland
Education/Culture Alexis de Tocqueville dies at Cannes in France
Battles/Soldiers Palm Sunday riot in Panama brings hundreds of U.S. sailors ashore to protect American residents
Foreign The British execute Tatya Tope, one of the last and most intrepid leaders of the Indian Rebellion to be captured
Lawmaking/Litigating The trial of Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Charles Langston opens in the federal court in Cleveland, Ohio
Lawmaking/Litigating - The trial of Daniel Sickles for the murder of Philip Barton Key continues in Washington D.C.
Religion/Philosophy Passover begins
Lawmaking/Litigating - The trial of Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Charles Langston continues in the federal court in Cleveland, Ohio
Cultural Bayard Taylor, the famous American travel writer, announces he will report exclusively for the New York Mercury
Religion/Philosophy Good Friday
Foreign Austria demands that Sardinia-Piedmont disarm, and issues a three-day ultimatum
Foreign - French troops are starting to depart Paris for Italy to confront the Austrians
Lawmaking/Litigating The trial of Daniel Sickles for the murder of Philip Barton Key continues in Washington D.C.
Crime/Disasters Steamboat disaster on the Mississippi River with scores dead
Personal Seven foot nine inch tall James D. Porter, "the Kentucky Giant," dies in his sleep, aged 49
Lawmaking/Litigating Congressman Daniel Sickles is acquitted in his trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key
Science/Technology Chicago's first streetcar line goes into operation on State Street
Foreign In Egypt work is begun on the construction of the Suez Canal
Foreign France tells Austria war on Piedmont-Sardinia would mean war with France
Religion/Philosophy Passover ends
Foreign French troops protecting the Papal State order all demonstrations against the Vatican halted
Religion/Philosophy Pope Pius IX issues an encyclical calling for prayers for peace among Catholic nations
Foreign Piedmont-Sardinia rejects Austria's call to disarm
US/the World Italian nationalists in Florence overthrow the Hapsburg Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany
Legal/Political José Marta Mata presents his credentials in Washington as minister from the recently recognized Juarez government of Mexico
Crime/Disasters An American emigrant ship is wrecked on the Irish coast with almost 400 lives lost
US/the World The Austrian Empire declares war on Sardinia-Piedmont