
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Campaigns/Elections Controversial nominee for District Attorney of California confirmed in the U.S. Senate on party lines
Battles/Soldiers Garibaldi and his thousand volunteers win their first victory on Sicily at Calatafimi
Crime/Disasters In London, chief cashier of Union Bank sentenced to twenty years for million dollar embezzlement
US/the World Historic Japanese Mission meets in Washington, D.C. with the U.S. Secretary of State
Slavery/Abolition In Buffalo, NY, the Methodist Annual Conference hears from its Committee on Slavery
Campaigns/Elections - Republican National Convention meets in Chicago, Illinois
US/the World First Japanese Embassy to the United States received officially at the White House
Cultural TSV Munchen athletics club founded in Munich, Bavaria
Campaigns/Elections In Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln receives the news by telegraph of his nomination for President
Crime/Disasters Heavy hail storm destroys crops in north-western Virginia
Crime/Disasters On Lake Seneca in New York, a steamboat bursts one of its boilers and three crewmen die
Campaigns/Elections In Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln is formally offered the Republican Party nomination for President
Slavery/Abolition President Buchanan asks Congress for funding to transport rescued African slaves to Liberia
Personal Eduard Buchner, chemist and Nobel laureate, born in Munich, Germany
Crime/Disasters Tornadoes in the Ohio Valley cause massive damage and kill more than one hundred and fifty
Lawmaking/Litigating In Charleston, South Carolina, Charles Lamar and others are fined $250 for obstructing federal justice
Lawmaking/Litigating Purser of slave ship Wanderer goes on trial in Charleston, South Carolina for piracy
Personal Former South Carolina senator and state's rights advocate William Campbell Preston dies in Columbia
Crime/Disasters British ship sinks in a Ceylon harbor during a squall
Campaigns/Elections In Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln formally accepts the Republican nomination for President
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Navy captures unregistered slave ship off the north coast of Cuba
Business/Industry - Second annual meeting of the American Life Underwriter's Convention meets in New York City
Campaigns/Elections Alabama Constitutional Union Convention in Selma applauds nominations of Bell and Everett
US/the World Visiting Japanese diplomats tour the Washington Naval Yard
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Government contracts with American Colonization Society to transport rescued African slaves to Liberia
US/the World President Buchanan hosts the visiting Japanese diplomats at an official dinner
Campaigns/Elections Pennsylvania Republicans meet in Harrisburg and Philadelphia to ratify the recent nominations in Chicago
Crime/Disasters Heavy storm floods parts of Oswego, New York causing a train derailment
Religion/Philosophy Whitsunday or Pentecost
Crime/Disasters American ship founders in the Bay of Biscay and is abandoned without loss of life