
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Campaigns/Elections Democratic National Convention enters its second day in Baltimore
US/the World - Druse militants massacre hundreds of Maronite Christians in Lebanon
US/the World All remaining Neapolitan troops sail from Palermo and withdraw from Sicily
Campaigns/Elections - Democratic National Convention continues in Baltimore locked in debate over credentials and slavery
Science/Technology First day of Summer
Crime/Disasters U.S. Coast Survey steamship sinks off New Jersey coast with heavy loss of life
Battles/Soldiers William Walker sails from New Orleans for Honduras on his last filibustering expedition
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan vetoes the Homestead Bill of 1860
US/the World Queen Victoria accepts President Buchanan's invitation for her son to visit the United States
Campaigns/Elections Breakaway delegates in Baltimore nominate John C. Breckinridge, splitting the Democratic Party
US/the World In London, Queen Victoria reviews 21,000 men of the Volunteer Movement in Hyde Park
Campaigns/Elections The depleted Democratic National Convention in Baltimore nominates Stephen Douglas for President
US/the World Florence Nightingale opens her school for female nurses at St. Thomas's Hospital in London
Crime/Disasters Scores die when a Mississippi steamboat explodes and burns near Cairo, Illinois
Personal Enoch Bartlett, grower of the Bartlett Pear, dies at his home Roxbury, Massachusetts
Campaigns/Elections Senator Benjamin Fitzpatrick of Alabama declines the Democratic nomination for vice president
Lawmaking/Litigating The 36th Congress ends its first session in Washington, DC and adjourns until December
Crime/Disasters Steamship bursts a boiler on Lake Michigan, seven crewmen killed
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Senate of the United States is sitting in a three day special session in Washington, DC
Campaigns/Elections Vermont Republican Convention meets in Rutland and nominates Erastus Fairbanks for governor
Science/Technology Williams College scientific expedition leaves Maine for Greenland
Business/Industry The largest ship in the world arrives in New York after its first trans Atlantic voyage
Battles/Soldiers Joseph E. Johnston appointed Quartermaster General of the U.S. Army
US/the World In England, the son of the Duke of Leeds jailed for six months after defaulting on debts of £1000
Campaigns/Elections Stephen Douglas makes his formal acceptance of his nomination for President of the United States
Science/Technology British medical researcher Thomas Addison commits suicide at his home in Brighton
Crime/Disasters Storm in Boston area kills two and damages the Great Elm on Boston Common
Crime/Disasters High winds inflict heavy damage on the unfinished Brooklyn Academy of Music, injuring several workers
US/the World First Japanese diplomatic mission to the United States departs for home from New York City
Education/Culture State statistics number the 1886 enrolled students of the College of New Jersey at 238.