
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture Brooklyn Excelsiors leave on the first baseball tour
US/the World First Japanese diplomatic mission to the United States departs for home from New York City
Business/Industry New York and New Yorkers worth $577,230,656.97 in 1860 say city Tax Commissioners
US/the World Murillo's "Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception" sells at auction in London for 9000 guineas
Personal Charles Goodyear dies a poor man in New York City
Religion/Philosophy Discussing Italian current affairs, Archbishop Hughes of New York defends the Pope and the Papal States
Science/Technology The giant steamship "Great Eastern" causes a sensation on the New York Docks
Campaigns/Elections In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Democrats meet over the split in the party's presidential nominations
Campaigns/Elections At a mass meeting in Tammany Hall, New York Democrats unite behind Stephen Douglas
US/the World The city of Vladivostok is founded in Russia's new province on Asia's Pacific Coast
Business/Industry The sternwheeler "Chippewa" reaches Fort Benton on the Upper Missouri
US/the World The National Rifle Association holds its first shooting meeting on Wimbledon Common in London
Personal Charlotte Perkins Gilman born in Hartford, Connecticut
Business/Industry The giant steamship "Great Eastern" opens for tours at the New York docks
Crime/Disasters Prisoner workshops at Sing Sing Prison destroyed by fire
Crime/Disasters In New York City, rival fire companies battle in the streets at a routine fire call
Education/Culture The town of Olathe in Kansas plans a free meal for a thousand for the Fourth of July but two thousand show up
Campaigns/Elections Ohio Democratic State Convention splits over endorsement of the Douglas-Johnson presidential ticket
Education/Culture In New York City, a massive fireworks display celebrates the Fourth of July
Business/Industry In California, San Francisco's first street railway begins operation
Crime/Disasters In Batavia, Iowa, mob of hundreds lynch murderer of a woman and her daughter
Education/Culture In baseball, Brooklyn's touring Excelsior Club defeats Flour City of Rochester, New York 21 to 1
Personal Robert Bacon, future Secretary of State, born in Boston, Massachusetts
Religion/Philosophy On behalf of his flock, Archbishop Kenrick of Baltimore sends Pope Pius IX sympathy for his troubles in Italy
Education/Culture In baseball, Brooklyn's touring Excelsior Club defeats Niagara Club in Buffalo 51 to 19
Battles/Soldiers Colonel William Harney turns over command of the Department of Oregon after being ordered home
Crime/Disasters Nine people die when buildings in St. Joseph, Missouri business district suddenly collapse then burn
Crime/Disasters In Detroit, a steam-tug explodes while in dock, killing five of seven crewmembers
Campaigns/Elections Mayor Wood of New York City proposes Democrats vote strategically across the country in November
Crime/Disasters Large fire threatens Poughkeepsie, New York