
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Religion/Philosophy Corpus Christi celebrated
Crime/Disasters Fireworks factory blows up in Brooklyn and several lives are lost
Crime/Disasters Deadly tornado touches down in the middle of the night in eastern Kansas
US/the World First Japanese diplomatic mission to the United States visits Baltimore and Philadelphia
Education/Culture Erasmus Beadle launches the era of inexpensive popular reading with his first "dime novel"
Campaigns/Elections At Donaldsonville, Louisiana's "New Line" Democrats endorse Stephen Douglas for president
US/the World In Italy, reinforcements sailing under the U.S. flag leave Genoa for Garibaldi's campaign in Sicily
Science/Technology Doctors of the visiting Japanese Embassy observe an operation using ether in Philadelphia
Business/Industry In Philadelphia, the visiting Japanese Embassy tours manufacturing establishments
Business/Industry American bark sails from Buenos Aires to New York in thirty-six days, fastest on record
Crime/Disasters Serious train wreck near Belleville, Illinois injures dozens
Education/Culture America's best trotting horses meet for a second time at the Union Course on Long Island
US/the World Three shiploads of reinforcements for Garibaldi's campaign in Sicily reach Sardinia
Campaigns/Elections Illinois State Democratic Convention meets in Springfield
Crime/Disasters Fire burns a cotton press and two thousand bales of cotton in New Orleans
Crime/Disasters - Fourth national convention of the National Quarantine and Sanitation Association held in Boston
Crime/Disasters Alabama lighter capsizes in Mobile Bay during a squall and two men drown
US/the World - At Baden in Germany, Emperor Napoleon III meets with the leaders of several German states
Lawmaking/Litigating After more than three months, the U.S. Senate releases Thaddeus Hyatt from the Washington Jail
US/the World Mexican liberals gain control of Guadalajara
Business/Industry The New York World begins publication in New York City
US/the World Britain's Grenadier Guards Regiment celebrates its two hundredth anniversary
US/the World Carlist pretender Don Carlos, Count Montemolin retracts his renunciation of Spanish throne
US/the World - First Japanese diplomatic mission to the United States lavishly entertained in New York City
Business/Industry The largest ship in the world sails for New York on its first trans Atlantic voyage
US/the World Sailing under the American flag, three shiploads of reinforcements for Garibaldi's campaign reach Sicily
Crime/Disasters Violent storm strikes Albany, New York
Science/Technology - A large new comet, visible to the naked eye, is observed all over the northern hemisphere
Campaigns/Elections Democratic National Convention reconvenes in Baltimore
US/the World - Druse militants massacre hundreds of Maronite Christians in Lebanon