
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters In Canada, an earthquake across Quebec causes excitement but only mild damage and no reported deaths
Education/Culture Willie Park, Sr. wins the first British Open by shooting 174 over 36 holes
US/the World - Prince Albert visits Boston and meets the last living survivor of the Battle of Bunker Hill
US/the World Lord Elgin orders the destruction of the Summer Palace in Beijing as reprisal for murder of hostages
Business/Industry In Pennsylvania, a new railroad extension further connects the coalfields with Philadelphia and beyond
US/the World Ang Duong, King of Cambodia, dies at age sixty-four after twelve years of rule
Campaigns/Elections - Stephen Douglas makes his final campaign tour, through the Deep South
US/the World At Portland, Maine, the Prince of Wales departs North America at the end of his tour
US/the World In Austria-Hungary, Emperor Franz Joseph introduces constitutional reforms
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston, South Carolina, the city's elite militia unit offers its services to the state
US/the World In Italy, Piedmontese forces sweep aside Neapolitan resistance and advance on Capua
US/the World Former Neapolitan provinces, including Sicily, vote overwhelmingly to join a united Italy
Education/Culture Dickinson student, John F. Frederick '64, takes another drunken step towards ending his college career
Campaigns/Elections In Kentucky, "fire-eater" William Lowndes Yancey stumps for Breckinridge
US/the World The Convention of Beijing opens China to Western trade and missionary activity
Lawmaking/Litigating South Carolina's political leadership meets to decide on secession should Lincoln win the presidency
Personal "Grizzly" Adams dies at his home in Neponset, Massachusetts
US/the World Garibaldi welcomes King Victor Emmanuel II and turns over his conquests to him
Crime/Disasters In Bristol County, Massachusetts, an early morning railroad accident seriously injures three people
Education/Culture In the previous seven days 390 people have died of various causes in New York City
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, the U.S. Court of Claims opens a new session
Campaigns/Elections - Stephen Douglas ends his presidential campaign with speeches in Georgia and Alabama
Personal Andrew Volstead, author of National Prohibition Act, born in Minnesota
Crime/Disasters In Louisiana, a Mississippi steamboat's boiler ruptures and scalds forty-five people aboard to death
Personal Juliette Low born in Savannah, Georgia
Campaigns/Elections In Baltimore, pre-election political parades and meetings spawn violence
Crime/Disasters In London, an explosion at the excavations for the new underground railway kills two railwaymen
Campaigns/Elections New York City's veterans of the War of 1812 meet and declare for Lincoln and the Republicans
US/the World Italian nationalist forces begin the siege of Gaeta, the last stronghold of the Bourbon monarchy
US/the World - In Italy, plebiscite results in former Neapolitan provinces go overwhelmingly for joining a united Italy