
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters Two steamboats collide on the Mississippi River above Memphis, one sinks in minutes
Crime/Disasters River sloop overturns on the Hudson River and crew spend night in frozen waters
US/the World The French Empress returns to France from Britain after her relaxed three week private visit
Slavery/Abolition In Philadelphia, a speech by visiting abolitionist is postponed due to threats of violence
US/the World Former British Prime Minister Lord Aberdeen dies at his London home
Campaigns/Elections Francis Pickens is elected as the new governor of the state of South Carolina
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan designates January 4, 1861 as a national day of fasting and prayer
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary of State Lewis Cass resigns over the non-reinforcement of federal forts in South Carolina
Lawmaking/Litigating Philadelphia's mayor instructed to transmit recent city resolutions for conciliation to South Carolina
US/the World Emperor Napoleon III drops the requirement that Britons carry passports to enter and travel in France
Campaigns/Elections Wendell Phillips speaks against mobs in Boston and almost causes a riot
Lawmaking/Litigating In Columbia, South Carolina's Convention on secession opens with a morning session
Battles/Soldiers South Carolina governor asks President Buchanan's permission to occupy Fort Sumter with state troops
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi secession commissioner William L. Harris urges Georgia legislature to support secession
Education/Culture J.D. Frederick, class of 1864, appeals his expulsion from Dickinson College for drunkenness
Lawmaking/Litigating Commissioners from Mississippi and Alabama speak to the South Carolina Secession Convention
US/the World Victor Emanuel II annexes Naples, Sicily, and Umbria and the unification of Italy is almost complete
Education/Culture Dickinson College students punished for "smoking out" a classmate from his dormitory room
US/the World Britain announces the minting of new "pennies," "halfpennies," and "farthings" in bronze
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor Hicks refuses to call the Maryland legislature to hear the Mississippi secession commissioner
Lawmaking/Litigating South Carolina's Convention on secession moves to Charleston to avoid smallpox outbreak
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan sends Caleb Cushing to ask South Carolina to postpone its Secession Convention
Lawmaking/Litigating Buchanan's Secretary of the Interior arrives in North Carolina to lobby that state for secession
Battles/Soldiers South Carolina governor orders militia to patrol Charleston Harbor between Forts Moultrie and Sumter
Lawmaking/Litigating Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky introduces his Compromise in the United States Senate
Lawmaking/Litigating Senator Andrew Johnson of Tennessee defends the Union on the floor of the U.S. Senate
Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. Senate confirms well-known Democrat lawyer Edwin M. Stanton as Attorney-General
Campaigns/Elections Democrat defeats incumbent Republican in election for mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts
Slavery/Abolition Mississippi secession commissioner tells a large Baltimore crowd that "slavery was ordained by God"
Crime/Disasters Railroad snowplow clearing tracks derails in Upstate New York injuring several workers