
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston, South Carolina militia seize the federal arsenal and begin issuing arms and ammunition
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan replies to the South Carolina's commissioners as "private gentlemen"
Battles/Soldiers Secretary of Navy orders U.S.S. Brooklyn to prepare to sail from Hampton Roads in Virginia
Business/Industry Railroad deaths in 1860 down by more than half compared to 1859
Lawmaking/Litigating In the U.S. Senate, packed galleries cheer Senator Benjamin of Louisiana's defiant speech
Crime/Disasters - Several nights of heavy gales wreak havoc on shipping around coasts of Britain and northern France
Lawmaking/Litigating South Carolina redefines treason, to be punished with "death without benefit of clergy"
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor Pickens declares South Carolina waters, especially Charleston Harbor, off-limits to U. S. vessels
Lawmaking/Litigating Alabama's secession commissioner warns Delaware of slave insurrection under Republican rule
Battles/Soldiers General Winfield Scott orders Captain Charles Stone to put the District of Columbia Militia under arms
US/the World In Prussia, King Frederick William IV dies at his palace in Potsdam
Settlers/Immigrants Fifty-six free blacks sail from the United States for a new life as emigrants to Haiti
Lawmaking/Litigating President-Elect Lincoln meets Alexander McClure in Springfield, Illinois
Battles/Soldiers Captain Charles Stone takes up his duties at the head of the District of Columbia Militia
Lawmaking/Litigating Delaware state legislature votes overwhelmingly to stay in the Union
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, Governor Ellis orders his state militia to occupy key federal forts
Lawmaking/Litigating The Florida state convention on secession assembles in Tallahassee
Lawmaking/Litigating On the Senate floor, Stephen Douglas warns of the danger of the moment and calls for compromise
Crime/Disasters Steamboat snags and sinks in Arkansas
Battles/Soldiers Alabama state troops seize the massive arsenal at Mount Vernon in Mobile County
Education/Culture National day of "fasting, humiliation, and prayer" takes place throughout the United States
Campaigns/Elections In Alabama, voting underway to elect delegates to the state's secession convention
Crime/Disasters Three fatal railway accidents occur around England on the same day
Battles/Soldiers Chartered steamship sails from New York City bound for Charleston and the resupply of Fort Sumter
Women/Families In Charleston, South Carolina, Eliza Anderson pays a surprise visit to her husband at Fort Sumter
Crime/Disasters American ship sinks in mid-Atlantic and forty-eight are set adrift thousands of miles from land
Crime/Disasters An explosion of sulphur gas kills seven in a coal mine in central England
Lawmaking/Litigating Alabama's secession convention assembles in Montgomery
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi's Secession Convention assembles in Jackson, the state capital
Crime/Disasters Lions kill one of their keepers at the most popular circus in London