
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating Washington pays Governor Pickens what he is owed, from the newly seized Charleston Sub-Treasury
Campaigns/Elections Hinton Helper's scheduled lecture postponed in New York City due to fears of mob action
Lawmaking/Litigating From his bench in New York City, U.S. District Court Judge David Smalley defines high treason
Carlisle/Dickinson In Pennsylvania, a Carlisle courthouse meeting debates the Crittenden Compromise
Legal/Political - Andrew Gregg Curtin serves as Governor of Pennslyvania
Campaigns/Elections In Harrisburg, Andrew Gregg Curtin sworn in as the Pennsylvania's first Republican governor
Lawmaking/Litigating Georgia's secession convention assembles in Milledgeville
Campaigns/Elections Large and contentious meeting opposing coercion of the South held in Philadelphia
Lawmaking/Litigating Maine legislature offers men and money to sustain the Union
Crime/Disasters In Sullivan County, New York, derailment of the Erie Railroad's night express kills a railwayman
Education/Culture Famed courtesan and exotic dancer Lola Montez dies of pneumonia in New York City
Education/Culture In New York City, the new Brooklyn Academy of Music is inaugurated with a Grand Ball
Business/Industry The Bank of England replenishes its gold reserves as American financial disruption effects Europe
Campaigns/Elections Philadelphia's labor leaders endorse compromise but also recommend defensive force if needed
Battles/Soldiers Major Anderson requests safe passage for the women and children of his men at Fort Sumter
Battles/Soldiers Fort Sumter commander refuses shipment of fresh produce from South Carolina authorities
Lawmaking/Litigating Georgia secedes from the Union
Campaigns/Elections In Connecticut, Southern students hoist the Palmetto Flag over Yale College's Alumni Hall
Battles/Soldiers Militia and police in New York City respond to rumors of an assault on the Brooklyn Naval Yard
Lawmaking/Litigating Jefferson Davis of Mississippi resigns from the United States Senate
Crime/Disasters In England, the training of soldiers in loading hand-grenades ends in a fatal explosion
Business/Industry New York City police seize almost a thousand muskets bound for Alabama
Crime/Disasters Steamboat with a cargo of sugar and coffee snags and sinks on the Mississippi
Battles/Soldiers Major Pierre Gustave T. Beauregard takes up his appointment as Superintendent of West Point
Lawmaking/Litigating Louisiana's secession convention assembles in Baton Rouge
Battles/Soldiers Georgia troops seize the federal arsenal at Augusta
Education/Culture Burns Night, the birthday of Scottish poet Robert Burns celebrated around the globe
Lawmaking/Litigating Louisiana secedes from the Union
Campaigns/Elections A mass meeting of Philadelphia workingmen supports compromise and the Union
Crime/Disasters In Indiana, a morning fire destroys the First Baptist Church of Indianapolis