
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers In Arkansas, local militia seize the U.S. Arsenal at Little Rock
Lawmaking/Litigating Jefferson Davis selected as Provisional President of the Confederate States
Campaigns/Elections In a statewide poll, Tennessee votes against holding a secession convention
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Provisional Congress of the Confederate States is sitting in Montgomery, Alabama
Campaigns/Elections Philadelphians gather to cheer a shipment of heavy cannon bound for the defenses of New York Harbor
Crime/Disasters In Illinois, three mothers and four of their children die in a freezing river when their sleigh overturns
Campaigns/Elections President-Elect Lincoln departs Springfield, Illinois on his eleven-day pre-inaugural journey
Campaigns/Elections President-Elect Abraham Lincoln visits Indianapolis on his eleven-day pre-inaugural journey
Campaigns/Elections President-Elect Abraham Lincoln visits Columbus, Ohio on his eleven-day pre-inaugural journey
Campaigns/Elections The presidential election becomes official with the announcement from the Electoral College
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Virginia Convention on secession is meeting in Richmond
Battles/Soldiers The first action that wins the Congressional Medal of Honor takes place in Arizona
Crime/Disasters An early thaw causes heavy ice damage and severe flooding along the riverbanks of New England
Campaigns/Elections In Cumberland County, the secession flag is briefly hoisted in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Campaigns/Elections President-Elect Abraham Lincoln arrives in Pittsburgh on his eleven-day pre-inaugural journey
Business/Industry The Bank of England again raises its discount rate as the pressure on bullion continues
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln speaks in Pittsburgh and then continues his pre-inaugural tour to Cleveland, Ohio
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln travels from Cleveland to Buffalo, New York meeting Grace Bedell on the way
Lawmaking/Litigating Celebrated extradition case of escaped Missouri slave John Anderson in Canada ends with his release
Battles/Soldiers General Daniel Twiggs surrenders all U.S. Army units and installations to Texas state troops
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln reaches Albany, New York on his pre-inaugural tour and speaks at the capitol
Lawmaking/Litigating Jefferson Davis sworn in as Provisional President of the Confederate States
Campaigns/Elections - Secessionists occupy a disused fort in Nebraska overnight but lose it to Unionists in the morning
US/the World The French begin operations to relieve the blockade of Saigon in Cochin-China
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln arrives in New York City on his pre-inaugural tour
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln spends the day in New York City, addresses the City Council, and goes to the Opera
Crime/Disasters Huge gale blowing across southern England kills dozens and destroys the spire of Chichester Cathedral
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln travels to Trenton, New Jersey and then to Philadelphia on his pre-inaugural tour
Education/Culture Edward Payson Weston sets off to walk from Boston to Washington DC to pay off an election bet
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln visits Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and from there secretly travels directly to Washington