
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating The U. S. Senate votes thirty-six to sixteen to admit free Kansas as the 34th state of the Union
Battles/Soldiers Major Pierre Gustave T. Beauregard is removed from his post as Superintendent of West Point
Lawmaking/Litigating Texans gather in Austin for their secession convention
Crime/Disasters Train crash outside London kills one of Queen Victoria's doctors and injure many others
Crime/Disasters Boston registered cargo ship bound for Liverpool wrecked on Irish coast and eighteen drown
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan signs the bill to admit free Kansas as the 34th state of the Union
Crime/Disasters Godard Bailey, William H. Russell, John B. Floyd indicted over Indian Trust Funds embezzlement
Lawmaking/Litigating Treasury Secretary Dix issues his order to "shoot on the spot" anyone hauling down the national flag
Crime/Disasters The business district of Jamestown, New York heavily damaged in a late night fire
Lawmaking/Litigating Louisiana seizes the United States Mint and the United States Customs House in New Orleans
Battles/Soldiers Dependents of the federal forces at Fort Sumter transfer to a waiting steamship for evacuation
Lawmaking/Litigating Texas secedes from the Union
Crime/Disasters Several breaches in the dikes begin the deadly inundation of large areas of central Holland
Campaigns/Elections New York Republicans elect Ira Harris to replace W.H. Seward in the United States Senate
Battles/Soldiers Dependents of the federal forces at Fort Sumter sail for New York from Charleston Harbor
Lawmaking/Litigating Virginians elect delegates to their secession convention
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Washington Peace Conference is meeting at Willard's Hotel in Washington DC
Lawmaking/Litigating The Convention of Seceding States opens at the State House in Montgomery, Alabama
Science/Technology "Peep Show" machine patented in Cincinnati, Ohio
US/the World Queen Victoria's speech opening Parliament includes British concern over the United States situation
Campaigns/Elections In Albany, the combined houses of the New York Legislature elect Ira Harris to the U. S. Senate
Crime/Disasters In England, fire damages Blenheim Palace and destroys a priceless Rubens masterpiece
Lawmaking/Litigating In Boston, the Massachusetts Legislature amends its Militia Act to allow troops to march out of state
Science/Technology The world's first weather forecast is transmitted from the Meteorological Office in London
Crime/Disasters Gales and snowstorms ravage the north-eastern United States and Canada
Crime/Disasters Beneath the streets of London, a mystery gas kills four sewer workers
Crime/Disasters New York City fire fought in a freezing gale kills one fireman and seriously injures another
Battles/Soldiers In Arkansas, local militia seize the U.S. Arsenal at Little Rock
Lawmaking/Litigating The Convention of Seceding States passes the provisional constitution of the Confederate States
Lawmaking/Litigating General Scott gives assurances of a smooth official counting of the Electoral College votes next week