
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Science/Technology Autumn begins
Crime/Disasters At Troy, New York, a locomotive plunges into the Hudson River off an open drawbridge
Education/Culture Sensational rumors of a church being haunted by demons causes turmoil in Jersey City, New Jersey.
Education/Culture Two four-man crews race on the Hudson River for a national rowing championship and two thousand dollars
Crime/Disasters Samuel Mudd makes a vain attempt to escape from his life imprisonment at Fort Jefferson off the Florida coast
Education/Culture Outside Springfield, Illinois, thousands watch the races at the National Horse Fair
Crime/Disasters A severe derailment near Auburn, New York destroys three railroad cars but remarkably kills no-one
Business/Industry In Maryland, the sailing of the British steamer Somerset inaugurates the Baltimore Liverpool Steamship Line
Education/Culture Famous daredevil Harry Leslie performs while suspended from a balloon flying 2000 feet over New York City
Campaigns/Elections Georgia holds elections for representatives to a planned State Convention in Milledgeville, the capital.
Science/Technology At a southern England naval base, American inventors demonstrate their "torpedoes" to the Royal Navy
Religion/Philosophy - In Utah, the Semi-Annual Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in session
Crime/Disasters Two heavy early afternoon tremors strike San Francisco, California but start no fires and cause no fatalities
US/the World Diplomats from Tunisia on their way to Washington D.C. visit New York City
Crime/Disasters A massive oil fire destroys wells and installations neat Pithole City in Venango County, Pennsylvania
US/the World Riots break out in eastern Jamaica, prompting a bloody response from the white planter led government
Crime/Disasters On the Sacramento River, a steamboat blows a boiler and more than fifty people are killed
Crime/Disasters - In Maine, a massive overnight fire destroys large parts of the port of Belfast
Education/Culture At the Union Grounds in Brooklyn, the Atlantic baseball club defeats the Eckford Club 35-8
Crime/Disasters In the Atlantic, survivors of a shipwreck aboard a raft have a whale for company till their safe rescue
US/the World In Philadelphia, six hundred members of the Fenian Brotherhood meet in convention
Education/Culture In Philadelphia, 20,000 firemen march in an unprecedented gala parade
US/the World In southern England, two-time British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston dies, aged 80.
Crime/Disasters In Detroit, Michigan, a fire destroys much of the main building at the Michigan Central Railroad Depot
Science/Technology A significant lunar eclipse of the Sun is visible in the morning over much of the eastern United States
Crime/Disasters Notorious Confederate guerrilla leader Champ Ferguson is executed for war crimes in Nashville's Old State Prison
US/the World After the Morant Bay riots, Jamaica's Governor John Eyre hangs his main legislative critic for high treason
US/the World In Haiti, British naval units engage Haitian rebel forces off Cap-Haïtien
Personal Lord Palmerston, late British prime minister, is buried in Westminster Abbey after a state funeral in London
Crime/Disasters The big Hudson River steamer "St. John" suffers a massive boiler explosion and fifteen people are killed