
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture The first official baseball game in California is played in San Francisco
US/the World First Japanese Ambassador leaves Japan for the United States
Campaigns/Elections - Pennsylvania Opposition Party Convention nominates Cameron for President and Curtin for Governor
Lawmaking/Litigating Maryland legislature passes the Eastern Shore Railroad Bill
Crime/Disasters Altercation on board U.S. Navy prize leads to four sailors arrested for mutiny
Crime/Disasters Freak wind storm hits Cleveland, Ohio
Crime/Disasters Divorce case depositions in Virginia end in a bloody battle leaving three dead
Crime/Disasters Unindentified white men murder scores of Wiyot Indians in northern California
Religion/Philosophy First Sunday in Lent
Business/Industry Seven hundred striking shoemakers march from Lynn to Marblehead
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln speaks before the Cooper Union in New York City
Crime/Disasters - Powerful gales wreak havoc across the British Isles and north-west Europe
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln speaks in Providence, Rhode Island
Campaigns/Elections Wisconsin Republicans support William Seward for President
Crime/Disasters Thirteen men die in collapse during demolition of a Catholic church in Cincinnati
Campaigns/Elections Ohio Republicans meet in Columbus and select Senator Chase as their choice for President
Foreign In Mexico, Miramón arrives at Medellin to attack Juarez forces at Vera Cruz
Personal Oliver Brown's young widow dies in childbirth at North Elba, New York
Campaigns/Elections Thomas H. Ford elected as Printer of the House of Representatives in the eighteenth ballot
Crime/Disasters Deadly explosions kill seventy-six miners at a coal mine in northern England
Business/Industry Tax officials in Pennsylvania give the states's taxable value as $569,049,995
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln speaks to New Hampshire Republicans at Exeter
Foreign In Mexico, Benito Juarez turns down a British proposed six month truce in the country
US/the World British governor of New Zealand declares martial law in dispute with native Maori
Personal Abraham Lincoln visits his son at Phillips Academy in New Hampshire
US/the World First Japanese Diplomatic Mission to the United States arrives in Hawaii
Lawmaking/Litigating Governor of Virginia requests Ohio for the extradition of two Harpers Ferry Raiders
Crime/Disasters Two passengers die when a river boat burns on the Arkansas River
Foreign In Vera Cruz Harbor, the U.S. Navy fights and captures two Mexican Junta ships
Science/Technology Christopher Spencer receives a patent for his magazine-fed, lever action rifle