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Personal At eight o'clock in the morning President Lincoln begins his twelve-day journey home from Washington D.C.
Crime/Disasters Doctor Samuel Mudd, who treated and sheltered John Wilkes Booth, is arrested at his Maryland farm
Battles/Soldiers At Salem, Virginia, legendary cavalry commander Colonel J.S. Mosby bids his command farewell for the last time
Personal At ten o'clock in the morning President Lincoln's remains reach Baltimore to lie in state there for several hours
Personal Abraham Lincoln's funeral train leaves Harrisburg and rolls across the Pennsylvania countryside to Philadelphia
Personal - In Philadelphia, President Lincoln's remains lay in state at Independence Hall for two days
Battles/Soldiers - On the Mississippi, a Confederate warship makes a bold breakout and almost reaches the open sea
Lawmaking/Litigating President Johnson sets May 25th as a day of "special humiliation and prayer" for Abraham Lincoln
Personal President Lincoln's remains arrive in New York City to lay in state at City Hall
Personal Abraham Lincoln's funeral train leaves Philadelphia before dawn and moves across New Jersey
US/the World In the French coast resort of Nice, the heir to the Russian Empire dies of meningitis, aged twenty-one
Crime/Disasters In the Potomac Estuary, scores of soldiers drown after a midnight collision between steamships
Crime/Disasters Transporting Union cavalry near Mobile, Alabama, a steamer hits a mine and sinks with loss of life
Personal President Lincoln's remains depart New York City after a massive procession across the city
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary Edwin Stanton intervenes to ensure African-American participation in New York's funeral procession
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, against orders, CSA General J. E. Johnston surrenders the entire Army of the Tennessee
Crime/Disasters John Wilkes Booth is trapped in a Virginia barn, is shot, and dies of his wound just before dawn
Personal At Albany, thousands of citizens file past Abraham Lincoln's coffin in the State Capitol
Personal - President Lincoln's funeral train makes its way across upstate New York to Buffalo
Crime/Disasters On the Mississippi, near Memphis, the Steamboat "Sultana" explodes and up to 1,800 passengers and crew die
Crime/Disasters In Philadelphia, high political emotions start a brawl and get a prominent Philadelphia author arrested
Science/Technology In Philadelphia, the new Municipal Hospital for Contagious Diseases is officially dedicated
Personal President Lincoln's remains spend the day in Buffalo, New York before heading for Cleveland, Ohio
Personal President Lincoln's remains spend the day in Cleveland, Ohio, on their journey west
Personal In Columbus, Ohio, thousands view President Lincoln's remains during a day at the State Capitol
Crime/Disasters In Washington, John Wilkes Booth's accused fellow plotters are transferred to the Old Penitentiary for trial
Lawmaking/Litigating For Christian religious reasons, President Johnson adjusts the day of mourning for Abraham Lincoln to June 1, 1865
Personal At Richmond, Indiana, a crowd of thousands await the three a.m. arrival of President Lincoln's train
Personal President Lincoln's casket lays in state at the State Capitol in Indianapolis, Indiana
Personal In England, Robert Fitzroy, innovative scientist and Charles Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle" captain dies by suicide