
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters In Washington, President Johnson orders a military trial for John Wilkes Booth's accused fellow plotters
US/the World In South America, Brazil, Argentina, and Uraguay form the Triple Alliance for their war against Paraguay
Personal Reaching his home state, President Lincoln's remains arrive in Chicago to a remarkable reception
Personal President Lincoln's remains reboard his funeral train for the last time in Chicago bound for Springfield, Illinois and home
Personal Abraham Lincoln returns to Springfield, Illinois where his remains lay in state in the State House
Battles/Soldiers At Citronelle, Alabama, Confederate General Richard Taylor surrenders his forces of the Department of Alabama
Personal In Springfield, Illinois, President Lincoln is laid to rest at the Oak Ridge Cemetery
Lawmaking/Litigating Fleeing Confederate President Jefferson Davis arrives with his cabinet and family in Washington, Georgia
Crime/Disasters In Washington, the officers of the military court for John Wilkes Booth's accused fellow plotters are named
Crime/Disasters In the Far West, a Eugene, Oregon resident sparks a riot with his public praise for Jefferson Davis
Battles/Soldiers Hundreds of wounded from General Sheridan's command arrive in Philadelphia via steamship
Crime/Disasters In Washington, membership of the military court for John Wilkes Booth's accused fellow plotters is adjusted
Lawmaking/Litigating President Johnson recognizes Virginia's "Alexandria" legislature and appoints Francis Pierpont provisional governor
Lawmaking/Litigating Union cavalry capture the fleeing Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his family south of Macon, Georgia
US/the World In Honolulu, British midshipmen restore American Eagle removed from U.S. Legation in a prank
Battles/Soldiers In Kentucky, notorious Confederate guerrilla leader William Quantrill is wounded and captured
Crime/Disasters In Washington, the accused Lincoln Assassination plotters all plead not guilty before their military court
Battles/Soldiers In Cuba, a powerful Confederate warship reaches Havana from Lisbon in Portugal and learns that the war has ended
Crime/Disasters In Washington's Old Penitentiary, the taking of evidence in the Lincoln conspiracy trial begins
Crime/Disasters Famed Maryland lawyer and statesman Reverdy Johnson meets with accused conspirator Mary Surratt in her cell
Crime/Disasters - In Washington's Old Penitentiary, the taking of evidence in the Lincoln conspiracy trial continues
Battles/Soldiers In Washington D.C., thousands watch as the victorious Army of the Potomac parades through the city
Crime/Disasters In Lincoln County, Georgia, bandits make off with $250,000 of the last of the Confederate gold reserves
Battles/Soldiers In Washington D.C., the second day of the Grand Review sees General Sherman's army parade through the city
Business/Industry The Detroit Board of Trade proposes hosting a Commercial Convention of nationwide business interests
Crime/Disasters Recently captured Mobile, Alabama is rocked with a massive explosion that kills hundreds
US/the World In South America, Argentinian and allied troops temporarily recapture the river port of Corrientes
Education/Culture The Great North-Western Sanitary Fair opens in Chicago, Illinois
Crime/Disasters Passenger steamer wrecks in the Caribbean, stranding hundreds on a remote desert island
Education/Culture At Epsom in southern England, the French horse "Gladiateur" wins the eighty-sixth running of the Derby