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Personal Dana Conway, third son of Moncure Conway, is born in London, England
Personal In England, the future King George the Fifth is born at Marlborough House in London.
Religion/Philosophy In the small Yorkshire village of Horbury, "Onward Christian Soldiers" is sung for the first time
Personal In a Louisville, Kentucky prison, notorious Confederate guerrilla leader William Quantrill dies of wounds
Crime/Disasters In the Caribbean, relief ships rescue passengers wrecked on a remote desert island the week before
Crime/Disasters In central England, the crash of an excursion train with eight hundred passengers kills ten people
Battles/Soldiers General Ulysses S. Grant visits the United States Military Academy and reviews the Corps of Cadets
Religion/Philosophy In a London ceremony, Henry Edward Manning is consecrated as the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Education/Culture The New York Yacht Club holds its annual regatta off the coast of Long Island
Crime/Disasters In Nashville, Tennessee, a massive fire destroys a government warehouse and four million dollars in goods
Crime/Disasters In south-east England, a train crash kills ten people but passenger Charles Dickens narrowly survives
Education/Culture In Munich, Germany, Richard Wagner's epic opera "Tristan and Isolde" finally has its premiere performance
Battles/Soldiers In a rainy Philadelphia, General George Meade leads Philadelphia's veterans in a welcome home parade
US/the World In South America, a Brazilian river fleet defeats Paraguayan naval forces at the Battle of Riachuelo
Crime/Disasters In a spectacular and destructive fire, P.T. Barnum's American Museum burns to the ground in New York City
Education/Culture The Irish future Nobel Prize for Literature winner William Butler Yeats is born in Dublin
Lawmaking/Litigating President Johnson appoints long-time judge William L. Sharkey as provisional governor of Mississippi
Crime/Disasters In Washington's Old Penitentiary, the taking of evidence in the Lincoln conspiracy trial concludes
Crime/Disasters - In Washington's Old Penitentiary, final arguments are being made in the Lincoln conspiracy trial
Education/Culture In Brooklyn, the visiting Athletic Baseball Club of Philadelphia defeats the Resolute Club of Brooklyn 39-14.
Lawmaking/Litigating President Johnson appoints Andrew Jackson Hamilton as provisional governor of Texas
Battles/Soldiers Lowell, Massachusetts honors its first townsmen to fall in the Civil War with a splendid new monument
Personal Notorious secessionist "fire-eater" Edmund Ruffin commits suicide at his Virginia plantation
Lawmaking/Litigating - Virginia's "Alexandria" legislature moves back to Richmond for its final session
Lawmaking/Litigating Landing in Galveston, Union General Gordon Granger decrees that slavery in Texas is at an end.
Education/Culture In Camden, New Jersey, the Philadelphia Cricket Club best their New York counterparts in a day of cricket
Lawmaking/Litigating The new Virginia legislature replaces the restrictive Alexandria Oath with the milder Amnesty Oath
Science/Technology Summer begins
Battles/Soldiers The U.S. Navy's Admiral Louis Goldsborough sails to take command of the European Squadron
Personal Francis Adeline Seward, wife of the Secretary of State William Seward, dies of a heart attack