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Type Title
Cultural Havelock Ellis, pioneer sexologist, is born in England
Business/Industry German immigrant William Menger opens his three story hotel in San Antonio, Texas
Foreign In Indo-China, French and Spanish forces sail from Danang to attempt the capture Saigon
Business/Industry United States Gold Coinage in 1859, by the numbers
Religion/Philosophy The Codex Sinaiticus, oldest known complete Bible, discovered in Egypt
Lawmaking/Litigating Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation agreed between the United States and Paraguay
Crime/Disasters Massive fire in Boston destroys new six-story mechanical steam bakery
Cultural Elias Disney born in Ontario, Canada
Battles/Soldiers U.S. Army skirmish with the Mescalero Apache in west Texas goes badly
Legal/Political Iowans criticize John Brown's Missouri raid in Tabor, Iowa
Crime/Disasters William and Mary College loses its main building to fire
Commercial The United States Steamboat Inspection Service in 1859, by the numbers
Lawmaking/Litigating The Kansas Territorial Legislature calls a Convention to frame a State Constitution
Science/Technology Charles Darwin, busy in the preparation of his great work on the origin of species, celebrates his fiftieth birthday
Battles/Soldiers In Texas, the Army recovers a horse herd stolen by Indians
Lawmaking/Litigating Oregon admitted to the Union as the 33rd state
Science/Technology George Washington Ferris, inventor of the Ferris Wheel, born in Galesburg, Illinois
Cultural Edward Fitzgerald publishes his translation of Omar Khayyám's poetry
Cultural The Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania opens
Cultural Guiseppe Verdi's opera "Ballo in Maschera (Masked Ball)" is performed for the first time in Rome
Foreign In Indo-China, French and Spanish forces capture Saigon
Cultural Washington society hosts a ball in honor of Lord Napier, the retiring British Ambassador
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan asks Congress for powers to intervene in Central America to protect U.S. citizens and trade routes
Business/Industry The Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad is formally opened in Missouri
Religion/Philosophy - The American Sunday School Union holds its third national convention in Philadelphia
Cultural Washington's Birthday celebrated around the country and in London and Paris
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan vetoes bill donating public lands to support state colleges
Battles/Soldiers First Cavalry fight a small skirmish with Comanche in the Wachita Mountains
Crime/Disasters Steamboat Princess explodes and sinks on the lower Mississippi with heavy loss of life
Crime/Disasters Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York murders Philip Barton Key in the street in Washington D.C.