
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Campaigns/Elections Whig Frederick Walker Lincoln, Jr. re-elected Mayor of Boston
Slavery/Abolition Dion Boucicault's controversial play about slavery opens at the Winter Garden Theater in New York City
Lawmaking/Litigating Senator Gwin of California hints in the Senate that his state could join the South if the Union breaks up
Personal Clara Wilson, 125 year old former slave, dies near Alton, Illinois
Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. Senate votes unanimously for a committee to investigate the Harpers Ferry Raid
Legal/Political Abolitionist lecture delivered successfully in Philadelphia as police and rioters battle outside the hall
Lawmaking/Litigating The Legislature of the unorganized territory of Nevada meets for the first and last time in Genoa
Foreign Lazar Ludwik Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto, born in Poland
Slavery/Abolition John Rogers finds no New York art dealer will display his new sculpture on slavery
Legal/Political Four Harpers Ferry raiders hanged in Charlestown, Virginia
Education/Culture Wilhelm Grimm, of Grimm's Fairytales, dies in Berlin
Crime/Disasters - Danish Royal Palace at Frederiksborg gutted by fire
Slavery/Abolition Georgia legislature passes law enabling the sale into slavery of free blacks indicted for vagrancy
Slavery/Abolition William Lloyd Garrison writes to a friend about the impact of John Brown's death.
Lawmaking/Litigating In the hotly contested election for Speaker of the House, Thomas Bocock withdraws
Personal Mirabeau Lamar, the second President of the Texas Republic, dies in Richmond, Texas
Legal/Political Southern students from Philadelphia's medical schools meet and vote to leave for the South
Crime/Disasters Fuse cord factory blows up in Simsbury, Connecticut and eight die
Legal/Political Southern students make a mass exodus from Philadelphia's medical schools
Lawmaking/Litigating In the hotly contested Speaker's election, Democrat John Millson of Virginia comes to within eighteen votes of success
Legal/Political Governor Wise of Virginia meets with southern medical students returned from Philadelphia
US/the World Australian Thomas Austin hosts his first rabbit hunt with twenty-five wild rabbits imported from England
Religious Christmas Day
Crime/Disasters Australia-bound ship wrecked in the English Channel soon after sailing and all aboard are lost
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan sends his annual message to the United States Senate
Legal/Political Senator Seward of New York returns to the United States from Europe
Personal Thomas Babington Macaulay, British statesman and historian, dies in London
Campaigns/Elections The returned Senator Seward meets his New York City contituents
Crime/Disasters Fire causes heavy damage in lower New York City
Crime/Disasters Ten below cold brings collapse of portions of the Union Railroad Depot in Troy, New York