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Type Title
Foreign Napoleon III urges Pope Pius IX to give up the revolting Papal States
Battles/Soldiers Spanish defeat the Moroccans at the Battle of Catellijo
Education/Culture First Czech language paper in the United States commences publication
Legal/Political Governor Chase of Ohio responds to Virginia Governor Wise's accusations against his northern neighbors
Lawmaking/Litigating The California Legislature assembles in Sacremento with a slight pro-slavery Democratic majority
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys Female College in Hernando, Mississippi
Legal/Political Large political meeting in favor of the Union held in Maysville, Kentucky
Campaigns/Elections Republicans sweep Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's municipal elections
Slavery/Abolition Nebraska legislature votes to abolish slavery in the territory
Crime/Disasters Tenement fire in New York City kills six people
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys half of the town of Hickman, county seat of Fulton County, Kentucky
Campaigns/Elections Illinois Democrats choose their Charleston delegates and back Stephen Douglas as the nominee
Slavery/Abolition Eight Ottawa, Illinois residents indicted under the Fugitive Slave Law for assisting a slave escape
Foreign Argentine Confederation and breakaway province of Buenos Aires agree to a reunification
Foreign Emperor Napoleon III initiates free trade reforms in France
Religion/Philosophy Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia dies on the street of a stroke aged forty-eight
Crime/Disasters Steamship from San Francisco to Oregon wrecked and thirty passengers and crew drown
Religion/Philosophy Jews in Hungary gain full rights to testify in court
Cultural John C. Heenan, "the Benicia Boy," departs for England to fight British champion Tom Sayers
Crime/Disasters - Mediterranean gales play havoc with the Spanish fleet off the Moroccan coast
Personal Revolutionary War soldier dies in Ohio, aged 101 years
Religion/Philosophy Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia lies in state in his Cathedral
Campaigns/Elections Kentucky Democratic Convention chooses James Guthrie as its candidate for president
Campaigns/Elections Milton S. Latham sworn in for his five-day term as California governor
Slavery/Abolition Territorial Governor Samuel W. Black vetoes the Nebraska bill to abolish slavery
Religion/Philosophy Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia buried in St. Peter's Church in the city
Crime/Disasters Pemberton Mill collapse and fire in Lawrence, Massachusetts kills score of workers
Slavery/Abolition Cassius Clay speaks for more than three hours from the Capitol steps in Frankfort, Kentucky
Business/Industry Commercial ice-boat begins operation in Wisconsin on the Upper Mississippi
Campaigns/Elections - The Alabama Democratic Convention meets in Montgomery and formulates the "Alabama Platform"