
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Personal Charles Curtis born in Topeka, Kansas
Lawmaking/Litigating Entire legislatures of Kentucky and Tennessee leave Louisville, Kentucky for Cincinatti, Ohio
Business/Industry The legislatures of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee meet in convention in Columbus, Ohio
Education/Culture Cornelius Conway Felton unanimously elected as new President of Harvard University
Lawmaking/Litigating Thirty-ninth ballot in the election for Speaker sees John Sherman fall behind for the first time
Business/Industry - The legislatures of Kentucky and Tennessee are hosted lavishly in Cincinatti, Ohio
Slavery/Abolition Porter on steamship sentenced to death in South Carolina for helping escaped slave stow away
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys Forbestown in Butte County, California almost completely
US/the World Napoleon III closes down France's leading Catholic newspaper
Religion/Philosophy The American College is established in Rome under the auspices of Pope Pius IX
Cultural Anton Chekhov is born in southern Russia
Crime/Disasters Paper mill burns in Northampton, Massachusetts
Lawmaking/Litigating Republicans replace John Sherman with William Pennington in the Speaker's election struggle
Business/Industry Mississippi Central Railroad completed between Canton, Mississippi and Jackson, Tennessee
Crime/Disasters American ship burns at Liverpool hours before leaving for New York
Religion/Philosophy Rabbi gives opening prayer in the House of Representatives for the first time
Legal/Political Hazlett and Stevens, the last of John Brown's captured co-conspirators, go on trial in Virginia
Legal/Political Thaddeus Hyatt arrives in Washington but defies the Senate Harpers Ferry Committee
Lawmaking/Litigating William Pennington of New Jersey elected Speaker of the House on the forty-fourth ballot
Crime/Disasters New York City tenement fire kills twenty people
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi Legislature kills bill to abolish legal prohibition of import of slaves from Africa
Campaigns/Elections Republican Salmon P. Chase elected as Senator from Ohio
Crime/Disasters Seven killed in a boiler explosion in a Brooklyn, New York hat factory
Lawmaking/Litigating John W. Forney returns as Clerk of the House, this time as a Republican
Lawmaking/Litigating New federal Agricultural Bureau head sworn in
Business/Industry Last gap closed in a continuous rail line from Maine to New Orleans
Legal/Political Aaron Stevens found guilty in Virginia for his part in Harpers Ferry Raid
Battles/Soldiers Invading Spanish defeat Moroccan forces at their camp near Tetuan
Religion/Philosophy "Slave auction" at Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's Brooklyn church frees nine-year old slave girl
Battles/Soldiers Invading Spanish troops enter the key Moroccan town of Tetuan