
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Campaigns/Elections - The Alabama Democratic Convention meets in Montgomery and formulates the "Alabama Platform"
Campaigns/Elections - Indiana Democratic Convention meets in Indianapolis
Lawmaking/Litigating The thirty-fourth ballot in the election for Speaker of the House ends without a resolution
Legal/Political South Carolina sends Christopher Memminger to discuss the sectional crisis with the Virginia legislature
Crime/Disasters Slave-mart collapses in Memphis, Tennessee and four "valuable negro men" die
Campaigns/Elections Milton S. Latham resigns after five days as California governor
Slavery/Abolition Scores of free blacks sail from New Orleans to begin a new life in Haiti
Crime/Disasters The ice on the Monongahela River above Pittsburgh breaks suddenly, causing heavy damage
Crime/Disasters Largest cotton warehouse in Houston, Texas burns to the ground
Lawmaking/Litigating Missouri Legislature adjourns and the Governor immediately recalls it
Campaigns/Elections Eli Slifer elected to his second term as Pennsylvania State Treasurer
Cultural American Colonization Society holds its forty-third annual meeting in Washington D.C.
Business/Industry Louisiana Governor Wickliffe recommends economic self-defense for the South
Foreign Count Cavour recalled as prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia
Crime/Disasters Ice on the Hudson gives way under a sleigh and eight people are drowned
Crime/Disasters In Vicksburg, a disgruntled former employee shoots newspaper editor dead on the street
Lawmaking/Litigating Tennessee Democrats nominate Senator Andrew Johnson as their candidate for president
Business/Industry Manufacturers Convention in Connecticut divides on political party lines
Lawmaking/Litigating South Carolina Commissioner Christopher Memminger speaks for four hours before the Virginia legislature
Crime/Disasters Earthquake felt in Charleston, South Carolina but little damage results
Crime/Disasters Steam boat burns on the Upper Red River in Arkansas
Foreign Dutch troops take and destroy Watapone, the capital of the Celebes in Indonesia
Foreign In Piedmont-Sardinia, Count Cavour's new Cabinet takes office
Crime/Disasters Captain of the giant steamship Great Eastern drowns in a boating accident
US/the World First American Hotel opened in Japan at Hakodadi on the northern island of Yezo
Crime/Disasters Portuguese warship sinks in a storm on the Indian Ocean
Business/Industry American-built clipper ship sails from London to Sydney in sixty-seven days
Business/Industry Committee to help survivors of the Pemberton Mills Disaster say sufficient funds have been collected
Foreign Great Britain and France sign a landmark free trade agreement
Business/Industry Entire legislatures of Kentucky and Tennessee gather in Louisville, Kentucky