
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Foreign In Mexico, Miramón departs Mexico City to march on Juarez forces at Vera Cruz
Battles/Soldiers Invading Spanish troops enter the key Moroccan town of Tetuan
Campaigns/Elections Democrats increase their majority in Lancaster, Pennsylvania municipal elections
Personal Wife of Henry Ward Beecher has narrow escape in carriage accident
Crime/Disasters - Violent gales cause heavy damage in New York City and Philadelphia
Campaigns/Elections Maryland Legislature censures Congressman Henry Winter Davis for voting for Pennington
Cultural Second Seranade in A by Johannes Brahms has its premiere at Hanover in Germany
Legal/Political Albert Hazlett convicted of murder in Charlestown, Virginia
Crime/Disasters Commercial vessel bound for New York sinks off Cape Hatteras
Personal Sir William Napier, Peninsula War general and distinguished military historian, dies in London
Lawmaking/Litigating Virginia rejects South Carolina's call for a convention of southern states
Legal/Political Stevens and Hazlett, the last of the convicted Harpers Ferry raiders, sentenced to hang
Crime/Disasters - Fire destroys much of Bridgetown, Barbados
Business/Industry In Philadelphia, the new Continental Hotel opens for tours by stockholders and the press
Slavery/Abolition Royal Navy turns over suspected American slaveship to the United States Navy
Campaigns/Elections Connecticut Democratic Convention nominates relectant Thomas Seymour for Governor
Legal/Political State supreme court confirms the right of mixed race men to vote in Ohio
Campaigns/Elections Cumberland, Maryland citizens rally to support their congressman against the Maryland Legislature
Lawmaking/Litigating Senate Committee investigating Harpers Ferry issues warrant for arrest of Frank Sanborn
Business/Industry Continental Hotel, biggest in the land, opens for business in Philadelphia
Foreign In Holland, the Dutch government resigns over railway building policy
Crime/Disasters Thousands see American emigrant ship founder off French coast
US/the World Large gathering of leading New Yorkers demonstrate their support of Italian liberty
Lawmaking/Litigating Virginia Democrats urge participation in the proposed convention of southern states
Crime/Disasters Canadian mail steamship lost off Nova Scotia with all two hundred people aboard
Business/Industry Stone cutters working on the new Catholic Cathedral in New York City down tools
Legal/Political The U.S. Senate orders arrest of Thaddeus Hyatt for failure to appear before Harpers Ferry Committee
Business/Industry Thousands of shoemakers go on strike for higher wages in Lynn, Massachusetts
Religion/Philosophy Ash Wednesday
Business/Industry Atchison and St. Joseph's Railroad completed