
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Personal Abraham Cahan born near Vilna, Lithuania
Business/Industry New daily newspaper commences publication in Sydney, Australia
Education/Culture In baseball, Brooklyn's touring Excelsior Club defeats Live Oak of Rochester, New York 29 to 9
Science/Technology Explorer Isaac Israel Hayes departs Boston on an fourteen month expedition to the Arctic
US/the World Near Edinburgh, a Scottish railway locomotive crashes into the sea killing four of the five aboard
Slavery/Abolition In Alabama, the last Africa slaves transported and sold on United States soil landed on the Mobile River
Crime/Disasters In Texas, devastating fires strike Dallas and other parts of Denton County
US/the World The Prince of Wales prepares to sail on his tour of Canada and the United States
Campaigns/Elections Outside the White House, thousands of Democrats hear President Buchanan speak in favor of Breckinridge
Business/Industry In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Northwestern Mutual Life makes its first real estate loan
US/the World - Druse militants massacre thousands of Christians in Damascus
Battles/Soldiers Secretary of War Floyd orders operations against the Navajo
Crime/Disasters Albert Hicks, facing execution as the United States' last pirate, confesses to a spectacular life of crime
Business/Industry In New York, the giant steamship "Great Eastern" halves the price for a visit aboard to fifty cents
Personal William T. Sherman, teaching in Louisiana, writes to his wife with cynicism about the upcoming election
Campaigns/Elections Ohio Republican congressional candidate leaves party over platform plank on immigrant voting
US/the World The Prince of Wales sails from Plymouth Sound for his tour of Canada and the United States
US/the World In Japan, seven year old Prince Mutsuhito named as Crown Prince and heir to the throne
Slavery/Abolition In a fiery speech, Senator Sumner predicts slavery will one day die as "a poisoned rat dies in its hole"
US/the World In Britain, a question requiring a person's religious affiliation is removed from the upcoming national census
Science/Technology The "Great Comet of 1860" reaches its closest point to the Earth
Religion/Philosophy Dickinson College trustees hold firm that daily morning prayers will take place "before breakfast"
Crime/Disasters - West Washington Market in New York City suffers severe damage in a midnight fire
Education/Culture British author and dramatist George Soane dies at his London home
US/the World In Northern Ireland, Orangemen clash with Catholics killing two and wounding fifteen
Dickinsonian Dickinson College holds annual commencement ceremonies
Campaigns/Elections New York States' Constitutional Unionists meet in convention at Utica
Crime/Disasters In Philadelphia, a large railroad car factory suffers severe damage in a morning fire
Campaigns/Elections Prominent New York American Party politician James O. Putnam endorses Abraham Lincoln
Crime/Disasters Albert Hicks, the United States' last pirate, is hanged on Bedloe's Island in New York Bay