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Type Title
Religion/Philosophy Under the Islamic Calender, Muharram begins the new year 1277
Religion/Philosophy The Evangelical Lutheran Church establishes a Synod for Georgia and Florida
Business/Industry In Denver, a banking company begins producing pure gold coins at a privately owned mint
Battles/Soldiers In Nevada, following the Pyramid Lake War, regular troops start a permanent fort on the Carson River
Crime/Disasters Tornado demolishes the railway station in Braceville, Ohio, killing one
Business/Industry In California, the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Company is incorporated
Personal Joseph Gales, Jr., publisher of the National Intelligencer for fifty years, dies in Washington, DC
Education/Culture In baseball, the Brooklyn Excelsior visits the Baltimore Excelsior
Religion/Philosophy Pope Pius IX removes the second ranking British Catholic Archbishop from office
Personal In Ireland, Mother Marie Joseph Butler is born in County Kilkenny
Crime/Disasters - Two very destructive fires strike the commercial district of Poughkeepsie, New York
US/the World The Prince of Wales and his party make landfall in North America at St. John's, Newfoundland
Battles/Soldiers U.S. Infantry and Comanche clash at Hatch's Ranch in New Mexico
Slavery/Abolition U.S. Navy captures New Orleans owned slave ship off the coast of Cuba
Business/Industry New Galway Line steamship arrives in Boston to complete its maiden Atlantic crossing
US/the World The Prince of Wales and his party land for the first time in North America at St. John's, Newfoundland
Education/Culture In baseball, the Brooklyn Excelsior continue their tour with a game in Philadelphia
US/the World On Sicily, the citadel at Melazzo surrenders to Garibaldi and his men
Crime/Disasters Mobs in St. Louis, Missouri smash up houses of prostitution
Religion/Philosophy In California, Nevai Shalom, the second Jewish cemetery in San Francisco, is dedicated
US/the World Napoleon III seeks to reassure Britain that he does not threaten peace in Europe
Crime/Disasters Near Sacramento, California, accused murderer kills his three guards and escapes
Education/Culture Survey finds only nine of Harvard's 107 man class of 1860 are Democrats while seventy-five are Republicans
Education/Culture In San Francisco, Emperor Norton I dissolves the United States republic and declares an absolute monarchy
Education/Culture American playwright Charles Hale Hoyt is born in Concord, New Hampshire
Slavery/Abolition The Republic of Liberia celebrates the thirteenth anniversary of its independence
US/the World British and Force warships anchor at the port of Beitang in preparation for the latest landing in China
Campaigns/Elections Benjamin Butler booed off the stage at Democratic meeting in Lowell, Massachusetts
Education/Culture In cricket, the St. George's Club of New York City lose their first match of the season
Education/Culture Chauncey Olcott born in Buffalo, New York