
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Personal Katherine Mary Drexel born in Philadelphia
Religion/Philosophy First Sunday in Advent
Lawmaking/Litigating The second session of the 35th Congress opens in Washington, DC
Lawmaking/Litigating - The second session of the 35th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC
Foreign Miguel Miramón and Mexican conservatives win a series of battles against liberals in the western state of Jalisco
Slavery/Abolition - John Brown liberates slaves from three Missouri farms
Foreign Napoleon II pardons Montalembert for his libel conviction
Science/Technology First day of Winter
Personal John Brown returns to Kansas with slaves liberated in Missouri
Personal Giacomo Puccini born in Tuscany
Religion/Philosophy Sir Moses Montefiore travels to Rome to attempt the return of Edgardo Montara to his Jewish parents
Lawmaking/Litigating The second session of the 35th Congress adjourns for its ten day holiday recess
Foreign Alexander, ruler of Serbia, is forced to abdicate
Lawmaking/Litigating - The second session of the 35th Congress is in its ten day holiday recess until January 5, 1859
Personal James Gadsden dies in Charleston, South Carolina
US/the World Napoleon III hints at coming war with Austria
Crime/Disasters Engine-house in Worcester, Massachusetts demolished in a gas explosion
Cultural Erastus Beadle publishes his "Dime Book of Practical Etiquette"
Science/Technology The trustees of the Dudley Observatory in Albany, New York reclaim the premises from its scientific staff
Legal/Political Stephen Douglas ends a three day visit to New York City and leaves for Philadelphia
Legal/Political - The Patent Office assembles an "Advisory Board for Agriculture" in Washington D.C.
Crime/Disasters - Heavy snowstorm in New York City and across the north-eastern United States
Crime/Disasters Fire destroys the new Catholic Cathedral of Montreal in Canada
Foreign Emperor of Austria responds to French Emperor as relations worsen over Italy
Campaigns/Elections New Hampshire Republicans hold their state nominating convention
Religion/Philosophy Annual "renting of the pews" at Rev. Beecher's Plymouth Church in Brooklyn brings record return
Lawmaking/Litigating The second session of the 35th Congress returns from its ten day holiday recess
Lawmaking/Litigating The United States Senate occupies its new chamber at the Capitol
Campaigns/Elections Illinois legislature reelects Douglas to the US Senate
Lawmaking/Litigating - The second session of the 35th U.S. Congress is sitting between early January and early March, 1859